Where is Malificus? Legion World Quest

I’m trying to make a nice transmog set on my Priest which looks like a Warlock. Therefore, I’m trying to kill Malificus at the Broken Shore.

But, after a lot of Googling, I just can’t seem to find how to get this guy to spawn. I haven’t played retail since early MoP, so I might be looking in the wrong directions.

Malificus is a world boss connected to a world quest. If anyone could help me, it would be highly appreciated. :smiley:

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Hey Lusco,

Make sure that the Nether Disruptor is active in the Broken Shore. It will provide you the Epic Hunter buff and unlocks a few world bosses, including Malificus.

You can find some more information in here (do keep in mind that some of the information about gear item levels etc is outdated).

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I will check this out immediately! Thanks for the quick response.

Edit: This doesn’t work. I can’t build the Nether Disruptor you’re talking about. How do I get to this part of the questline?

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Hi Lusco,

This is a little tricky to explain, so bear with me.
Malificus is one of 4 world bosses that are on a weekly rotation. The bosses are only available if the Nether Disruptor is up, like our blue friend up there called out. The Nether Disruptor is one of 3 community buildings (for lack of a better word) that everyone can contribute to. At the least, each building is up for 3 days, with a day of downtime in between them.

This means, that you need to have the right building up during the right week for Malificus to be available, and even then, the drop chances of the robes are pretty low. So you’ll need to check which world boss is up if the worldmap shows the Nether Disruptor as available, but since this is stuff from last expansion, I’m not sure how much people still contribute to the buildings, so it might take even longer.

I hope the above makes sense, but I want to manage the expectation here that this will probably take a relatively long time until the robes drop for you, unfortunately :frowning: Maybe some similar robes would be a better alternative here?

Either way, good luck! :slight_smile:

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