Where is Sylvanas and why is Baine still free

It technically is treason. The question is if we are willing to accept this retcon as a fact or not.

Is it a retcon or expanding on the story since cata ? Not saying your wrong but it kinda fits anyway

Yes it certainly fits. I am still sore about how much I disliked how the Sylvanas everyone knew became almost an entirely a different person since Cata.

For me this is the Sylvanas I know. Forsaken instead of one who Forsakes.

How many died at at the great elven BBQ? 20k?
I rescue 30-50 souls in a 20min maw run so I could do like a thousand in a day if I was lazy about it. OP Sylvanas can probably be done with her punishement by next week if she puts in some effort.

If there is anyone committing treason it’s Sylvanas lol.

Well said thanks for giving me something to laugh at today.

Warchiefs are immune to commiting treason apperently. For some people the Warchief -is- the Horde.

“treason? are you lost your mind arthas???”

“Have** you lost your mind?”


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oh damn! you’re right!

is she literally there if you clear sl campaign? like running around freeing souls?XD

that would be a good end. i would even ‘‘forgive’’ for teldrasil

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Sylvanas committed treason against Horde, all Horde leaders grouped to stop her.

I haven’t checked yet, but her npc standing somewhere in Ven’ari’s cave or with the covenant assaults would actually make sense. However, coherence and following through with concepts is not particularly a strength of the current dev team as we know, so they might simply have forgotten this little detail. Just like changing the sky in Oribos and stopping the stream of souls into the Maw after we defeated the Jailer… :roll_eyes:

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