Where is Sylvanas and why is Baine still free

After all the quests we did with and for Sylvanas and all her story and this is the end and for Baine to be free to walk around after committing treason and getting away with it.

Also where is Sylvanas in the maw ?


erevien are you?


You maybe. My questing with the Horde was for the Horde.

Lol. The only “treason” he committed was standing up for the Horde against a childish Arthas wannabe (let’s all remember how Blizzard ended his story, as a little blue fart of wind popping like a bubble) who should have been killed off by equally simpering and cowardly writing team members ages ago.
At least Baine wasn’t a simpering coward lickspittle and had the beef (sic) to stand up to her.

Hopefully in a very dark and equally empty corner where no one will ever have to suffer the wretch ever again. Absolutely atrociously written character, nothing of interest to her since 3.3 despite the writing teams desperate attempts to “revive her storyarc” countless times and the end result, a tragicomic fantasy cliche of the redeemed villain who chooses her fate to be decided by her enemy with the all too familiar ending.

her “Gauntlet” walking through oribos with Uther was pathetic.

I got more abuse as a Death Knight after completing the Death Knight intro.


And it’s an absolutely magnificent, great and gorgeous END, if I may add…

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Baine let his own men get raised by her during the siege of lordaeron, he only put a stop to her when she raised Jaina’s brother.

And by putting a stop to her, he went on to cry to Anduin.

He’s a coward through and through!


It is not treason if you win.
Only if you lose


imagine calling baine a traitor in favor for all the things Sylvanas has done. Only for her own ends and using the Horde to help out WoW Satan in the process.

Then call him a a coward ontop for risking his own life and his own people for standing up against her later? Mental.


I’m a little disappointed not to see Sylvanas scooting about in the Maw breaking the imprisoned souls out just like we had to. That would have been fun. Perhaps if you tried to talk to her you’d get ‘Go away. I’m busy!’ or something along those lines.


Surely you mean “I have no time for games”.


Am I the only one who couldn’t stand Tyrandes animation in that? It looked so bad…

Same reason why he, Sylvanas, Lorthermar, Gallywix, Thrall and Vol’jin weren’t in chains after betraying Garrosh. Are we using double standards here because one is a woman and the other is not?

Also when will you loyalist take a hint ? How many times does the B-word-chief need to backstab you before you realize that you ain’t getting feet pics?


Because Bainie is just a BIG clumsy cow cartoon character which fits into the Jaina and Friends Theme that WoW seems to be adopting these days.


Quazii has gone from being a decent Youtuber who produced useful video guides to someone who bashes Blizz on clickbait videos because that’s the way he makes most money. I unsubscribed from his channel a long time ago.

I liked it. Sure it’s a bit exaggerated , but I thought it was better than a lot of the animations we’d had in the cutscenes this expansion.

I knew technically sylvanas comitted treason against the horde way back around cata it sounds like

By using the Blight on Gilneas? That was more of insubordination.

In any case “treason” is more often than not, just a pretty word for the one in power to de-legitimize the cause of an oppoment.

Just like how William Wallace was executed as a traitor when he had never sworn fealty to an English king

As long as they make the horde flat out villains. Have yrel turalyon team up and form a new scarlet crusade type faction. Or just bring them back as the scarlet monastery is my favourite classic dungeon. Not the bs mop made it into

She’s been working with the jailer since cata (well between wrath and cata) how is that not treason?