Where is the alliance?

I am playing on Silvermoon, server where population of alliance is 90% alliance. And yet all I encounter are 5v1, 10v1 fights with horde, can’t even see alliance miles on a map, why? Should I just turn off warmode?

There is no response from blizzard, i opened a ticket day ago, Gm of curse cant do nothing, probably shard sistem have problems, im playng alone from day one.
I’m tired of that

War Mode is not Silvermoon tho.

Plenty Alliance at our WPvP event, got Tour of Duty: Maldraxxus real quick!

I leveld up to 59. I am playing Horde on Blackmoore(German) and i encountered exacly 1 Alliance player during the whole leveling process.

i know where the alliance are they are on a very few shards with 45 vs 5 or there about, as blizzard still has not fixed their sharding issue

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They are all camping Oribos portal in the Maw.


Rough times to be horde this expansion

Silvermoon has always been a Horde realm.
Outland is an Alliance realm.

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