Where is the lign drawn?

So i’ve posted several things over last 2 months , mostly negative things about what i do not like about in SL.

But i’ve stayed quiet for a couple of weeks and i’m seeing alot you respond " you don’t get to have an opinion you’re not 210 ilvl and haven’t done keystone master" or " you haven’t even got curve yet and not even done a +7 in time , your opinion is void"

So i’m gonna ask you what ilvl do you need to be ? what content do you need to complete before you allowed to like or dislike an expansion ?

Is it when you hit 60 and get to renowkn 40 ? Complete LFR ? Get curve ?

I mean i think rediculous to say if someone who doesn’t do the big 3 is not allowed to voice their discontent.

So i wanna hear from you guys , where is the lign ? I mean i got 4 chars to 60 , done all 4 convenant questlines , and i’ve hit 40 reknown on all 4. I got Curve. Shouldn’t that be enough ? Is that too little or too much. I just want to understand why you feel those who haven’t done things you have. Who are paying customers , who play the game are not entitled to form an opinion about said game.

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nah don’t listen to them, elitism is unfortunately strong here on the forums


There are no requirements to post an opinion on something. There is of course context. For example, if you are trying to advocate for a change in high end PvP and you’ve never touched it, it does question whether you have any idea what you are talking about. That is fair.


What is a “lign”?

This shouldn’t apply to you or bother you unless you’re specifically voicing opinions (positive or negative) about those exact parts of the game you aren’t even participating in. Like, I don’t do pet battles so I’d expect somebody who does to tell me something unpleasant if I began ranting on how pet battles are ruining the game and how they should be changed into something completely different.

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I would think lign is line in their own language :wink:

It bothers me when other’s tell other players you don’t get an opinion , you don’t get to have a voice about the game because you haven’t X. Y.Z and i have therefore i am more entitled than you are to say what i feel and think about the game.

Which is disgusting behaviour. I’ve seen it pop 17 times in the last week alone. I can’t give names because of ToS but i’m sure you’ve read one or two of them at least.

Honestly depends on the topic specifically. If you got say zero experience in raiding but are criticizing that raiding is too easy, boring. Whatever. Then yeah. You got no experience to base this so this is just pretty much “random noise”.

Its the same with some peps on social media spreading misinformation about covid …while having absolutely no medical …heck even basic life sciences education themselves.

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It depends what you want to talk about. If you want to venture an opinion about the game’s story, you don’t need to have done anything but the story, or at least watch it on youtube, there is no extra insight on the issue you could possibly get from having done I don’t know what keys or rating or raid difficulty. If you want to talk about how the anima farm feels, you probably would simply need to have reached level 60.

If on the other hand you want to talk about mythic raid balancing, then yes, you should be someone at least at the entry level of mythic raiding, otherwise you wouldn’t know what you’re talking about. If you would want to talk about arena balancing, you should be someone doing arena at a decent enough level to allow you to understand how it works. And so on.

The thing is, you can have an opinion about anything, including stuff you have no clue about, just don’t expect to be taken seriously when you talk about those things. Then again, if someone rebukes you when you talk about generic things by telling you that you don’t have this or that achievement or itemlevel, they’re the silly one.

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Anyone who’s paying for the game has the right to voice their opinion on this forum. That’s the line.

Whether someone else values that opinion, is up to them.
But they can never tell you what or what not to post (unless it breaks the forum rules of course).

You got that part wrong.

Well, okay they CAN tell you. It just means nothing.

Better? :grin:

Much better :smiley:

Good post but I would add to this it needs to be observed whether the person is talking about “oughts” or “is”.

Many people who pvped prior to BFA didn’t in BFA, because of how the system was. Whilst they would have had little grounds to describe how it is at the high level, I feel they would be fine to describe what they think needs to change about PvP despite having little experience in it, because their lack of experience in it is a symptom of them not liking it.

It’s the same when people go “if raids changed X…I’d like it” and people counter “lol okay LFR hero, dismissed” and the whole point is they don’t bother to gather the experience in raiding because it’s not working for them.
In this case I see no reason why someone needs to get tons of raiding experience to have an opinion on what changes they’d like to see, if those things are the whole reason they don’t do it in the first place. So long as they refrain from saying how it is, and keep their comments in the realm of ought.

I don’t think you need tons of experience to know this stuff. Like in BFA I didn’t need glad to know that there were lots of things I thought were crap in PvP because those things wouldn’t change at higher rating.

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Yes, of course. If someone has some sort of credentials that prove they understand the type of content they are talking about, I am perfectly prepared to take them seriously, even if their experience is in previous expansions.

What irks me is how someone who only does LFR talks about mythic raiding or raiders as if they know better what goes on in a mythic raiding guild than actual mythic raiders. Same when someone who’s highest lifetime achievement in pvp was step into the arena comes up and talks about balance or the pvp gearing system - I find those laughable.

For me, the line is drawn when you create a level 1 character and are able to post on the forums. Anyone can share their opinions.

But with that said, I have to say it also depends on the kind of feedback you are providing and context.

If you are posting stuff like “Mythic raids are too easy” and you never did a heroic raid, then people will rightfully tell you that you don’t know what you are talking about. But still you have the right to express the opinion that “Mythic raids are easy”, even if you never did them. Just don’t expect people to take your opinion seriously in that case.

Same if you say “M+ is too easy” and you never timed a +5.

So context is everything.

You allowed to comment and talk about almost anything , what most peopl mean is that for example , im not gonna complain how a F1 car drives , if its to this or too that , when i never drove it…

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