Where is this sword?

https ://gyazo.com/ee23a7ccc700d82b56587a64e48917a2

remove space after https

It’s not listed in the 2h swords appearance tab but all the other colour variants of this model are, did the devs forget to add it or something?´

edit: All necrolord and venthyr 2h sword variations are listed there as well, this is the only one missing

There’s plenty of stuff that only NPCs can use that are unobtainable to the player.

I know but in this case it doesn’t make sense to only give it to npcs, its the “campaign colour variant” of this sword from the covenant set, all the other colour variants are in the game too, why would they not add that one in then


But there’s no two handed swords apparently strictly off the Covenant;

they love giving npcs colours that we as the player cannot get specially the ones that would fit better with our transmogs :stuck_out_tongue:

very odd :roll_eyes:

For now im using the sinful aspirant’s greatsword with the set which mostly matches the colours too but its pretty thin and I was hoping to get that chonker sword, I guess I have to wait until I complete my renown set then :sob:

Yes - please give us all heritage weapons :frowning:


Because reasons…

Really wish they just got an intern to make a bunch of unobtainable/gray/white items transmoggable.

Bit of a travesty that we can’t tmog any of the blood elf, worgen or pandaren starting gear. And most of the new simple looking weapons from the tutorial zone is either missing or faction locked.


you look at those glorious looking 1h swords at the renown vendor and us str users get a rebar stuck to block of ugly concrete. this is happening almost every single god damn time is it so damn hard to give us a 2h sword that would actually fit the covenent transmog for kyrian

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Isn’t it the Memoria Greatblade?


Yup it is…

what? I was talking about this colour variant in particular, the memoria greatblade is dark af

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