Yea, where is he?
As far as i know he’s been missing from bfa, shadowlands and dragonflight.
Yea, where is he?
As far as i know he’s been missing from bfa, shadowlands and dragonflight.
He returned to the Exodar most likely. Last we’ve seen him was during the conclusion of the 4th War.
Velen is busy with his new hobby…
He’s doing Velen things - leave him alone.
I think he needed some time away after the incident with his son(Rak’eesh?)?
Nisamxes’s gif
He’s respeccing to Warlock
Still celebrating for being one of the few characters that weren’t completely screwed over after being the focus.
Still faffing about on Argus?
In lore, his on Argus restoring it.
This has to stop right away. That’s enough. This is ridiculous.
What kind of story-based game tells the player that something is supposedly happening right now “in-lore” while not showing the event or its aftermath in-game, ON-SCREEN, or even asking players to do a quest chain or anything else even remotely related to said event?
If you aren’t showing it on the screen, it has zero merit. Just like it never happened.
Like what, is Blizzard asking us to use our imagination? Like “yeah guys, this is supposed to have occured, just imagine it, aight?”
And don’t even get me started on the tie-in books they release each xpac. These books work only when they help give some fun little contexts here and there, maybe provide some origin story for someone, or just sprinkle some extra cool facts about the story of the current expansion. But when you start throwing important and I mean IMPORTANT lore bits in there and then afterwards expect the players to just kind of understand what has happened is a huge mistake. If a player wants to get the story of the game, then they should be able to get it by just playing the game! Not having to go read 50 sub-par amateurishly written Sunday sale-quality books, web stories and what not. (e.g. The slaying of Cairne Bloodhoof in his vicious duel against Garrosh Hellscream wasn’t even a book, it was, if memory serves me right, a web story on WoW’s page.)
Not even Ubisoft does this with their Assassin’s Creed books (though these books are problematic in different areas entirely), and you never feel like you need to look outside of their games to get the -admittedly already tangled and jarring- story.
Yeah I guess “in-lore” we have Gilneas back too yeah? NO WE DON’T. If the Alliance has retaken Gilneas, show it in the damn game! If we don’t see it in-game, it hasn’t happened.
Stupid, stupid Blizzard.
(EDIT: Apologies for the rant, the mere sight of the phrase “in-lore” was enough to get me started. Also idk if my writing style conveys this properly but just to clarify, none of this aggresiveness was directed towards yourself. )
Technically they could do what FF14 does and let you interact with characters at given points in the story.(Their dialogue does change sometimes in wow but it’s hella rare) Like, say, if you’ve finished argus and started BFA you’d be able to meet Velen and have him say something, and with more updates (and us progressing the story ) for his lines to change. In that game(and many others but 14 is well known within the wow community now) you can meet npcs who are(or were) story(or even side quest)relevant and let them update us on how are they doing, if anything has happened.
Not always do we have to get questlines about it all, we aren’t present in all these events, it’s simply impossible. A retelling would be a realistic alternative as well.
To complement your gif xD
100% this.
He is joy-drifting in space, a’la mario cart!
Yeah, WoW’s drought periods should have been filled with smaller story scenarios.
The immortal Prophet Velen believes that a great war between the darkness and the light is fast approaching and that Azeroth will be its principal battleground. He stands bravely beside his allies to ensure Azeroth is ready when the time comes.
This is from the updated page about races of Wow on the official site, updated last year during summer and during the Dragonflight Beta. This means he’s actually on the backseat preparing defenses for the coming Light vs. Void expansion, surely to be the next expansion, considering they were at this point in pre-production of the 2024 expansion when his description had been updated.
It had been done at the same time they removed Sylvanas as the leader of the Forsakens.
Probably on a mission to car-crash yet another crystal-drive space ship into an innocent world to start Classic Classic BC…
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