Where The Hood At?

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I don’t get it.

But I’m also stupid so that’s whatever.

Welcome back. I’ve started the timer :smile:


Missed you Holy!

Guessing this is about the dark ranger mog? I didn’t notice there not being a hood was too excited at having a reason to log in and play some actual current content and not just level new chars :joy:

These forums is like Hood, snitches working for “police” gets the bro out of the hood into prison.
So when i come back i ask where are you all xD

That Dark ranger mog has too little pixels to use .

Drae/Mariux here, if it wasn’t extremely obvious :+1:t2:



Still going to do the questlines though, I don’t have a belf hunter yet but I have a lot of hunters and very few mogs that suit them


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