Where to find complete Account history?

Dear Support,

In the old days I could log in to wow-europe.com and check my Account history from there. I could see even my very first day in 2004, when I started with WoW.

I remember there was one "update" in between, which lost all the in-game achievements prior to that update (oh it still bugs me ;-) – but not even that messed up my Account history.

But now, I can't see even my last payment in Battle.net. Only one from the history I can find, is purchasing of MoP.

Battle.net -> Transaction History -> Order History -> Shows only MoP
Battle.net -> Transaction History -> Balance History -> Completely empty, and I can't even choose anything prior 2012

I did google my issue, but I didn't find answer. This is not a show-stopper, but I pretty much would like to see my transaction history as I was able to do before.

Strange. When I go to bnet > account history I can see everything from today till 14/04/07, when I started.

Hell, even the lovely old wow-europe design is there.
But then again I don't have MOP. Might have a factor in it..

On an unrelated note, out of curiousity, I found out I have paid Blizzard 688.41 euro's during this time, not including other paid services. Damn.
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Make sure you're selecting your wow account. Then on the next page click "view account history". It's under "Add game time Code" towards middle of the page.
30/09/2012 17:52Posted by Ellifara
Make sure you're selecting your wow account. Then on the next page click "view account history". It's under "Add game time Code" towards middle of the page.

This is spot on, if you don't first select an account you'll just see your battle.net account history.
I cant see anything by doing this. Latest thing i can see is my faction change :(
That's because it's coming up on 4 years old.

Try looking under transaction history. https://eu.battle.net/account/management/orders.html

This is what you're looking for, right? As I'm writing this I see you've already gotten a good reply. Good luck!
Surely since 2012 or 2016 they have figured it out. ;)
Thank you for using the search function to try and find a solution or answer, but please do not bump such old threads. If you cannot find a recent thread that matches your description, create a new thread for yourself instead.
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