Title says it all really
I’m guessing the roleplay fantasy of a survival hunter is that you’re a real bushwacker. Unlike the other two talents, which are beast tamer and sharpshooter, survival focuses more on the character really living out in nature,staying in remote cabins or tents, living off the land.
If that’s the fantasy you’re going with I’d say Dwarves and Worgen seem the best fit. Maybe Night Elves too.
Dwarves are rough and tumble and used to harsh living conditions, plus they look like beefy lumberjacks. Worgen are good hunters in the dark, and can pretty much go toe to toe with most beasts even without a pet. Night Elves might be stretching it a bit, they don’t like killing animals for sport or even hunting, most of them are vegetarians, but they do enjoy living in nature.
I’ve got me a gnome one, with a big focus on the trapmaker/gadgeteer aspect.
Few pets that mesh well with gnomes though, and I’m not a fan of the mechas.
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