Which battle pet I should choose to lvl up?

Hey there! I need some advice. No that there is battle pet event what pets do you reccomend to MUST have? I need some advices :3

There are so many websites out there that give the information, the most important one is no three pets will give you a 100% chance to win. Each pet is a counter to others and worse against some.

Welcome to pet battles!

Before we talk about which pets, let me first give give you an even more helpful tip.

Install these three addons


Rematch organises your pets, searches them, remembers teams you used for particular battles. It will become more and more useful to you as you collect a bigger roster and encounter more Tamers. By the time you are doing all the high-level stuff, it will be your best friend!

Battle Pet BreedID


Battle Pet BreedID shows you, in your collection and in a battle, what breed each pet is. Breed is very important, but nothing in the game itself tells you anything about breeds, so as a beginner, the only way you will know what you are buying or capturing will be by seeing the breed (like H/H or P/S) that this addons shows you.

Pet Tracker


Pet Tracker has several utilities to help out in different ways. Its main and original use is to show you on the map where particular wild pets spawn, but it also shows you enemy cooldowns during a battle and improves your display when switching pets.

Also, you should bookmark these sites for infomation. Most of the relevant information is about level 25 pets, but some of the info will also be useful while levelling:

You may also find useful info about pets in Wowhead comments.

OK, having got that out of the way, my personal candidates for your first set of pets to get to 25 would be:

Anubisath Idol
Teroclaw Hatchling
Iron Starlette (P/P or H/H breed)
Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling (Blue quality. I see you have one!)
Zandalari Anklerender or Kneebiter (they’re identical for battling) (P/P, P/B, S/S breed)

All of these can be bought from the AH. All of these are very useful for your first serious Tamer battles at 25. I see you already have most of them, which can’t be a coincidence. You must have got good advice, or been reading up!

At some point, you will want to get one of the following:
Lord Woofington
Terrible Turnip
Snobold Runt
All of these have an ability that will not kill the opposing pet, but leave it with 1 health. This is very useful when you get to the point of capturing wild pets.

There is a list of the most used pets at 25 here, with my comment underneath about most used breeds for each

There are about 1200 species in the game, but you can do all the content except the Family achievements with about 30-50, if well chosen in good breeds.

As Dottie said, the important thing is to have different pets for different circumstances. You don’t hammer nails with a screwdriver, and in pet battling you don’t use a Flyer to beat a Dragonkin.

Ask again if you hae any more questions! Pet battlers are very friendly!


Coming soon to late night TV infomercial, the Screwhammer™, two tools in one.


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