Which caster to choose?

I want to start a caster and I like to do Wpvp. What do you think is better between Mage, druid, lock and spriest ?
Thank you for your advice

Shadow priests are terrifying to face in world pvp.

Dps, selfheal and immunity.

Id pick that one.


Shadow priest have 0 mobility and escape, and one school. If you kick a mindflay, bye bye.
Destro lock is dead against a good warrior or rogue, who can kick. Also 0 mobility.
Demo lock can be good, but I suggest affli. It is bad in arenas and bg-s, because the healers will dispell your dots. Not so much in world pvp. Good luck kicking my instants and the casting circle drains.
Mage is more boring than DH, and a free kill for other casters, but you can easily kill melee classes.
Balance is fun. Watch arrow assasin gaming’s videos. You can beat everything, but you need to kite. And you need to work for the kills. If you are a nelf you can shadowmeld into flight form, and escape anything.
I know you left out shaman. Think again. As an ele shaman casters are free kill, and you can beat anyone as long as it is a 1vs1. If the target has a friend, who will interrupt the lasso, thats another story. Watch dalaran gamings 5vs5 videos with Tasty in them


I have allways seen ele shaman as free kill for meele…

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Frost shock, earthbind, elemental storm and ghost wolf are great for kiting. Everything is instant.
You only have to cast flame shock, frost shock, instant lava, elemental storm and eartshock. Again, all of it is instant, no interrupt at all. Even if you get interrupted, you use more than one school of magick.
With elemental mastery you have 2 wall, to reduce damage. Also you have some pityfull selfheal that wont save you.
And then there is lasso. It is a hard cc, does damage, help you kite, has a low cd. You have hex for wing/recklessnes/meta and the capacitor totem for some interrupt.
Don’t forget you hace low cd ranged kick an purge. This is especially usefull against rets :slight_smile:

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So should I also consider the shaman ?

Dont play what is FOTM.

Play what you like the most.

It’s like asking what ice cream flavor to buy.

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From a mage perspective, these are you mage things:

  • fire: you will be a punching ball, mostly won’t cast anything, versatility is the only stat you will need… than haste… all the gear you will loot will have crit so you will have to try for a lot of time
    Anyway GPY is a useless but very funny spell… if you like to poly poly poly fake GPY than poly again it could be fun
  • arcane: the most beautifull spec. Unfortunately it lacks burst, but have a costant dmg output… anyway the burst can be resolved with gear… but A LOT of gear and good corruption. In months i didn’t obtain that still
    If you obtain that, arcane mage is the most fun
  • frost: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    It WOULD be a funny spec, but the burst is to the fact you have to cast (to proc icicle, when you have 5 that is your burst… it procs about 1 every 3 frostbolt).
    The costant dmg is not so good, because frost mage should be about kiting, but since monks/dhs are in the game, they won’t let you cast and you can’t kite them

Anyway it can be very frustrating: all the other class have the cast “inverted”, means that they use the skill, then they have to wait… but the dmg is there. Mage has to wait (cast) then IF the cast will go well you will do dmg (a lot). But in world PVP when there are A LOT of random factors you will see that these factors will always interrupt your cast, but not the other classes since they have istants (as explained above).
It is a “use your brain, don’t just push buttons, if you do well you will win” class…
Since many play DH/DK/monk in these forums they probably will tell you “mage” since they took a GPY in the front and didn’t like it because their class have to “push buttons and win” in their mind… but the truth is mage is a difficult class a lot ON/OFF: if you’re good you will own, if you’re bad or even mediocre you will die doing nothing.


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