What do you guys think?
This is purely world pvp. Considering equal gear.
I assume casters are out, they will be interrupted too much (except maybe destro lock?), mobility should be good for kiting, the chance for reset via invisibility/vanish/camo…? I don’t know.
I was thinking about resto druid with feral affinity and the shapeshifting honor talent too.
normally i would say bdk but since they getting a huge pvp nerf today aswell as they generally just been nerfed to the ground it is no longer a viable choice if u ask me.
I would say either Paladin or Demon hunter if open world pvp 1vs X amount, simply because they both has insane health restoration one way or another, Paladin healing on strikes + having heals in general, while DH just leeching insanely good.
Besides that paladin has such as bubble which is just still to this day such a good spell to have.
Lastly they both have movement speed mechanics, paladin have that horse spell to get out of hard situations or to rush into them, while the DH has the jumps to jump in and out.
Therefor on a overall scale it makes them in my eyes some of the best if not the best classes for open world pvp and generally pvp.
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idk man, casters can be pretty powerful in wpvp. Fly onto some ledge/perch & freecast to your hearts content (+make clever use of knockbacks / cc’s / ports/gateway if anyone pays you a visit), melee doesn’t have the luxury of attacking from a safe distance.
Hunters, Mages & Rogues can stealth/fein-death & sneakily mount up & escape if the going gets tough while opponents are left to deal with the mobs. Similar for Druid (cyclone/root/stealth into insta-flight-form) /shakefist
Also, Paladins’ Bubblehearth is a good get out of jail free card, if not a bit cheesy.
Mobility is always useful, but given the plethora of mobs / spammable ranged-slows / cc’s & gap-closers, you’ll be lucky to escape any classes …& even if you do, you’ll often have to contend with anyone who can quick-Mount & chase you down while you’re dealing with the train of mobs you just pulled.
Healers & tanks can rarely be solo’d, so they often get a free pass in wpvp /shakefist
I think most classes will excel situationally.
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BM hunter.
Haze of. Rage and primal instincts = instant death now place on top of that killer cobra and lucid dreams… Gbye no chance to regen
Besides hunters are fun too.
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Depends on the other class you’re going to 1 vs 1. I would usually say rogue or feral druid but you wont always get the opener so im going to say either feral, dh, fire mage or ret/monk simply cause of the amount of utility they have in solo instances.
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I kinda suck at wpvp, but I’d love to hear how ww monk is compared to rogues for example in 1vX situations at wpvp. I have been roflstomped hard by rogues, demon hunters and hunters, while playing either monk, rogue or wlock. So I’d say those three are quite potential for wpvp (been kicked around by other classes as well, but those three are the ones who imo stood out)
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I can not imagine a rogue 1vsX two or more decent player. Crimson vial alone will not be enough to outheal the collateral damage.
Or feral. Most 1vsX is starting from a gank. If a feral get jumped by a sin rogue, can he turn the fight from there?
For someone who did alot of 1v1s back when he pvped :
1 . Dh
2 . Fury
3 . Rogue
Dh & Fury will just out survive you & rogue just have too many easy ways out
Guardian Druid, no contest.
Resto Druids because they can run around brainlessly spamming hots, they can cast all kinds of CC, they can simply go bearform and tank a load of damage even as resto.
There’s not much contest in this, resto druid with feral affinity. I go this when i feel like going full mongo, the damage is seriously good and you’re basically invisible unless 5 jump you and then you can just kite them and get away especially as nelf you just shadowmeld then instant flight form. Ive 1v3 as resto feral affininity pretty easily. 2nd I’d say feral or ret then probably dh
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Can you actually kill someone as resto?
Isn’t the damage too low, even with the honor talent to finish of a runaway?
How do you gear for it? Moonkin gear?
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I do stupid damage considering its a healer spec you go feral affinity and take the pvp talent master shapeshifter and keep rake, rip, moonfire and sunfire on your target at all times and hots on yourself and stay in catform. I deal with DHs really easy they have 0 chance of killing me and they’re the most annoying class in wow
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Rogue and DH.
Rogue you can choose your target.
As DH no matter what you do you will still kill your enemy. Dodge from behind, insane leech especially in demon form, easy rotation and if your enemy try to run you just rush at 'em.
Well I was interested in 1vsX more then 1vs1. I still don’t think a rogue can 1vs2 decent players.
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Shaman… J/K
I’d say it really depends, a good warlock is very good at controlling a fight, but then you have the cheese of the self-sustaining melee classes, DH, DK and Fury Warrior.
Rogues damage with stealth is absurd and with Cloak of Shadows+Vanish, it means you should never be able to kill a rogue 1 vs 1 as long as they’re patient. I hear Feral druids have become more powerful this patch(?) as well.
So them really.
Druids in general, but Retsto druids easily would beat anything. They are unkillable due to no dampening in world pvp. Can run away if needed, and on top, they do serious dmg when proper specced.
You have to see Pikaboo then.
Even as sub he manage to 1v2 1800+ players(considered this is a decent?).
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With the amount of selfheal that all dps classes have don’t think so.
Sure, but in an ideal world where skill was equal I think Druids, especially resto would have the upper hand.