Which class to avoid having to change talents based on the situation?

Hello! Everything is in the title. I came back a week ago, trying out different things, and I can’t find my class. I’m looking for one that doesn’t require me to change talents based on the situation, one that does everything like in BFA and before (I stopped at the end of BFA) – open world/PvP/raid/dungeons. It’s really frustrating to come back and now everything is locked behind talents. I know you can save multiple talent trees, but your rotation changes, added effects, etc. I hope there’s a class like that, otherwise, I would have come back for nothing. My assassination rogue in BFA was so good, I’m disappointed. I love the WoW universe as well… Thanks in advance for taking the time to read. "(This is a translation, I don’t know the English language very well, so sorry if it’s hard to understand)

I don’t quite understand the problem.

Most people do not change their talents, at least not very often.

If you are playing at a very high level, you will change your talents frequently, but that’s part of the burden of playing at a high level.

Any set of talents will do for open world. And for Normal Raid and lower M+ dungeons, mostly as well. I can’t speak to PvP.

Higher Raid and Dungeon levels are typically split between Single Target and Area of Effect talents, and if you read a guide for each class like Icy-Veins.com every spec has that split, but that split in talents has been in the game as long as I can remember, and certainly in BFA.

I would just choose a mostly-AoE build and stick to that. Why are you not happy with that idea? What more do you feel is needed?

Thank you for your response!

In my opinion, they should never have taken away things we had by default, like the Hunter’s Multishot. What bothers me is that I enjoy a variety of content like open-world PvP, battlegrounds, dungeons, LFR, and heroic raids. For example, if I’m in the open world doing quests or leveling a profession, it makes sense to use an AoE build. But then, if I encounter an enemy player (Horde or Alliance), I’m forced to fight them with my AoE spec? I’m at a disadvantage. Or if I queue for a dungeon or battleground, I’ll need to switch specs, and then I have to reread all the passives I’ve forgotten.

Back in BFA, there was just one talent tree, and I knew all the passives by heart. I could focus on fully mastering my class. The choices felt meaningful. Now, it feels impossible. You go to a website, and there are five different talent trees to pick from, and you’re expected to learn all of them? With my Assassination Rogue in BFA, I could use the same PvP build for everything. I had both AoE and single-target damage without needing to separate them. I could do it all. But now, I’m forced to choose between AoE and single-target.

For example, I use an AoE build for trash mobs, and then I get to an Elite. I have to click to switch specs for single-target ? It’s really frustrating, at least for me.

In my opinion, talents should only require you to make choices about whether you prefer one spell or another, not force you to pick between AoE or single-target. (Just to clarify, I haven’t leveled a class to max yet. I got to level 71 and then restarted to test another class.) I’ve tried 3–4 classes so far, but every time I go to a website to find a talent tree I can use for both PvP and PvE, there are five different “recommended” options. When I compare the PvP and PvE talent trees, they’re completely different, with different keybinds for each one. It’s horrible. I don’t understand how people enjoy this system.

Back in BFA, you weren’t limited to either single-target or AoE. That’s the problem for me.

Edit : And that’s why I’m looking for a class and spec that can handle PvP/dungeons/raids (LFR/heroic)/open world without needing to change talents, because sites like Icy Veins or Wowhead only provide specific builds for certain types of content and not something more versatile

I understand what you are saying, but I don’t really feel it, so I cannot be of much help.

It seems you are looking for a spec AND a build that is versatile enough for what you want … but even then, you will know at any given moment that you are not maximally optimised.

There are Discords for each class, where a few people in each do some quite advanced work on specialised builds. That is where you go when Icy Veins and Wowhead are not enough for your needs. Perhaps you might find something in one of those. Or perhaps someone there can give you a better answer than you will find here.

Wowhead has links to all the Class Discord Servers at

I hope you find what you are looking for!

I was just told to take the M+ build and that I have to accept losing a lot of damage in non-M+ situations. So I think it’s not possible to have a build for the content I enjoy, so I’m going to stop the game at the end of my subscription and wait for changes to the talent system. I hope that happens someday. It’s such a shame, I love the game’s universe, but it’s a talent system I could never get behind. Anyway, thanks for trying to help! Have fun!

Edit : Alright, I tested a bunch of classes and all that, then I told myself, I’ll play what I enjoy. Even if the meta isn’t amazing, I’m still going to stick with it. So I went back to my favorite class: Frost Death Knight with a two-handed sword, and damn, I honestly think there’s never been a better gameplay experience. The feeling is incredible. The talent where you summon your steed to move faster is pure bliss, and the summoning of the Four Horsemen is just the cherry on top.

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