As a rule I just don’t bother with Disco Priests and BDK’s cause that battle is over before it’s started.
Though I don’t see a lot of BDK’s out in the wild tbf. Most seem to be frost
As a rule I just don’t bother with Disco Priests and BDK’s cause that battle is over before it’s started.
Though I don’t see a lot of BDK’s out in the wild tbf. Most seem to be frost
Any darn healers. But it’s fun to try, kinda like a mobile training dummy. Any tank is tough to kill, but at least possible. Tanks are prob my fav 1v1, you get a longer fight, each trying to keep their hp up.
Fury Warriors can be tough, gotta get my Thorns up in good time. Rogues always trouble if they get the drop on you, need my Thorns up quick. I don’t know specs well enough because noob, but Warlocks seem tougher than pre 8.1. I need more practice, and better gear. Just when I think I’m getting better, some class I thought was easy murders me hehe.
All healers. But what can you expect - they are balanced around 3s to heal themselves and 2 other players - only a few specs in the game can burst down a healer in a very short opening. So if your spec can’t do that, like mine - find someone and show that healer a way to Bwonsamdi, or don’t waste time.
Tanks. Since I don’t have any selfheals all fights with tanks are very long and boring kiting, waiting for them to use their CDs, and then finally finish. There is no danger of loosing (if it’s not a Guardian druid) - just kite and wait game that I feel like sleeping in a middle of. So if it’s a 1v1 with a tank, for me it’s better to let them be, because in that time I can find at least 1-2 fights where I’ll be actually playing.
Ele Shamans, Druids and DHs can be a problem from time to time - they just heal way too much for their damage, and when they play defensively - I don’t have that much mana and evocation as they have heals. But it doesn’t stop me from engaging any of them.
Everything else - it’s ok, if I have my CDs up.
As WW probably just ret as they have bubble and crazy burst, vs tanks is just a very long battle of self healing. As MW specced crane I feel like a god
Prot paladins are rediculously broken, I was doing some world quests with my warrior (388eq) as i stumbled upon a prot paladin with 160k hp ( I would assume thats around 300 ilvl ), he was killing another horde player so i figured i would help and kill the paladin. Welp is all i can say, never got him under 50% hp with all my cooldowns as he basicly out dps me as a tank and is literally unkillable.
You know something is stupid broken when you have 20k hp more than a tank as a dps with a 80~ ilvl advantage and he can EASILY just kill you straight up, just facetank and roll face on keyboard and click HoJ off cd and win, so stupid.
Some ilvl scaling maybe, wonder how much diff that actually makes.
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