Specifically, but not limited to, Tomb of Sarg. The art team were on serious fire designing those sets. Holy waffles.
that and nightholds :3 :>
Vanilla T2 had imo some of the most iconic sets in the game. In many ways it defined what the class should look like for years to come and that’s why it’s one of the best tier set
BC was mostly great for its weapons imo some of which are still among my favourite (sunwell bow, exodar life staff ect). They really went all in for the outland design and while it was pretty hit or miss (especially t4 which is imo terrible for most classes) it produced great sets (most of the T5 and T6 look really good)
Wotlk T8 is one of my favourite set hands down for pretty much every class save warrior and druid.
Cata… meh, a few cool sets and weapons here and there but overall not to the level of wotlk t8. Paladin fireland set is one of my favourite pala sets tho.
Don’t have much to say about mop, some are good some are bad, overall better than cata imo but that’s about it.
Legion had overall cool sets, especially the nighthold ones.
BFA WF sets are among my favourite ever released too. Both Stormguarde plate look awesome, the other horde sets are good and the horde darkshore plate/mail/cloth are really thematic
Legion and Wrath .classic and tbc are mismatch rainbow clown sets .
Btw Trial of style tomorrow
MoP, Legion and WotLK all have great sets.
Every era has plenty of nice and useful mogs.
TBC, MoP, legion.
Wotlk is kinda ok, but the rest are terrible…
TBC and Classic
Legion had some inspired mogs too but few.
The MoP mogs do not count because the best ones have been removed to spite people who did not play MOP
Heritage armors are best and most 3d detailed. Liking Eternal Travelers alot too.
I think transmog is a very personal thing. I always used to wear
And now I wear the more updated version from Legion (the colour I like is the LFR version)
I have to agree but have to add tier 2,3,7,10,12 and NH and Antorus .
BFA has the worse “Tiers” ever in raids and PvP
Burning Crusade.
They are good just very hard to find good weapons to match.
BFA! I love going for the slimy squid look!
bc for sure and legion had some sick apearances too.
WoD for all its flaws had some great sets and general models too.
But Legion has my favourites.
Avatar priest set, no clue what expac, but imo still the best looking set in the game
Rogue T2. T3. druid T3, all are from Classic. Odd as it seems. There were a lot of exceptionally well made sets in T2 and T3 content.
vanilla, tbc and legion by a pretty wide margin i’d say, but each expansion has its gems. bfa has been a real letdown in terms of mog in my opinion, lack of class sets really didn’t go well.
Great sets in every xpac but if I have to choose one it’s Legion.