Which expansion has the best mogs

So recently I’ve started hunting some mogs. Slowly and all that but I’m having fun with that.

And frankly my go-to expansion is TBC. No other expansion was as wacky and daring in its designs IMO. It helps that there’s a ton of instances compared to the anemic 10 or so we get after Cata too…


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Classic, look at my avatar

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It’s TBC.

You are not wrong.

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TBC - 100% Correct - Golden Bow of Quel’Thalas for my Blood Elf Hunter chums out there
WoTLK was pretty good
Legion was also not bad - I really love Emerald Nightborne/Nighthold armor.

I think I’ve mentioned this before in some other thread, but I’ll say it again: Burning Crusade has the best transmogs. Vanilla and Legion have several nice armor sets too, but not enough to beat TBC.

@Leíá: I’m currently using that very same bow :slight_smile:

Vanilla with tier 3, but some t2/1 are also hawt. R14 weapons and sets, legendaries, tabards and naxxramas items are so good.

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I tend to default to MoP transmogs, so MoP I suppose?

Either that or Cata mogs.

I guess those are the best for me? I don’t know, I like sets, I don’t really care where they came from.

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Cataclyms :dragon_face:

I found myself gravitating mostly towards Classic, TBC and Legion with bits and pieces from WoD. Probably a few Cata pieces I falsely attribute to Classic due to level restriction shenanigans as well.

Difficult to paint it broadly, as I usually only like a handful of pieces in each X-Pac.

Legion ! Just look at the ToS armors :sparkling_heart:

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BfA. I am serious.

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I do feel you, I think the same. Mogs in BfA have the highest quality ever seen (both in style and in looks).

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Legion cata and bfa have some of my personal favorite mogs.

Same here. I am hunting for all 4 x 2 warfront elite sets plus BfDA raid, also I really season 3 PvP elite sets, even some quest gear can have good use. Islands have duskheaven set as a nice example

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Some stuff from Cata and then most in the following expansions.

Somehow, i bet most old school player will go with “Rank 13-14 set + weapon”, or any tier from that time, since they are just that iconic (for some class more then other).

Still, cant help but like some of the newer set aswell, still, if they where to add new HD model of all the vanilla sets, i’m sure we will see nothing but those set on player.

The PvP set screamed “faction pride”, while the vanilla tier set was purely class fantasy armor sets.

Nowdays, we get the same set for horde, alliance and tier, its just dif colors, alliance = blue, horde = red, lfr, normal and hc each have thier own color aswell, and then some “more detailed” armor for mythic and 2k+ rated PvP’er.

Still, as more and more race get added and more tier gear, i cant but help trying to “farm” that look that goes well with the class and race (hell, even adding in a special mount for it to make it perfect), so, its not like i have a “go to” armor set for any of my “4+ of each class” alt army, they each have thier own set.

So, with that in mind, i cant really say there is 1 expansion i pick more then others (i just love the vanilla once, tho, i bet they are the one i use the least) … but hey, thank god we can use whatever we want!

tbc and classic

Legion. Hands down


I’m so glad everyone agrees that its legions sets :3

I love the WoD transmogs, especially the tier sets, even though there weren’t a lot of them they stood out.

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