Can someone post that picture of the edited Zombie Sylvanas?
If she looked like that, she’d win for me.
Otherwise Anduin.
Can someone post that picture of the edited Zombie Sylvanas?
If she looked like that, she’d win for me.
Otherwise Anduin.
Horde: Sylvanas Windrunner and Lady Liadrin
Alliance: Valeera Sanguinar and Alleria Windrunner
Villain: Queen Azshara (pre-Naga form), Sally Whitemane and the Eredar Twins from Sunwell Plateau
Neutral: Alexstrasza and Ysera
Hmm, I think I may have a thing for elves…
I’ll be the one to say it, Magatha Grimtotem. I’m sure she can put that age and knowledge to good use.
hands down indeed m8.
That was before she made her pact with the Val’kyr, wasn’t it?
Before she put her new knowledge to use to ‘revitalise’ Nathanos in…Dark mirror? Or what was his short story called again, correctly?
As for the topic…Blizzard, so far comes up short for me, sorry!
Gallywix. Mm caressing those chins…
I think so, yes, it was pre-WOTLK. The Story is called The Dark Mirror.
It’s pixels and as scientists have proven pixels cannot be sexy.
However my vote goes for Sally Whitemane for her huge… voice file. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
If we’re not talking faction leaders…Lady Onyxia had some real fire!
And Arthas had a smile that could raise the dead…
I originally planned this topic to be just about the Warchiefs and High Kings, but if we were to include all racial leaders, than hands down, Tyrande and Garrosh.
I mean, come on, if we’re going by pure looks Anduin is a pretty boy. A perfect mix between cute and handsome. The epitome of a young handsome prince etc. We are of course talking about Cinematic Anduin. The in game model is…yeesh.
How can anyone find female undead German Charlie Chaplin sexy?
Said German Charlie Chaplin is pretty sexy, to be honest. He looks like a troubled boy.
Okay wow. I knew Orcs were disgusting but jeeze.
I mean, says the LARPer.
Thanks, yes.
But you do realise what I’m getting at…I hope
Horde: lady liadrin(thalysra is second)
Liadrin: https:/ /
Thalysra:https:/ /
Alliance: maiev or tyrande.
Maeiv: https:/ /
Tyrande: https:/ /
Villain; queen azshara as elf.
Azshara: https:/ /
Neutral : valeera (she is part of uncrowned) and mean have you seen her hots model espcially the demon hunter valeera?
https:/ /
https:/ /
https:/ /
( also when will playable belfs get option to get super long ponytail like her >.>)
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