Which faction?

Hey guys, so I’m 100% sure I want to play on this server as it looks great and I regret not rolling here at launch, so I’m looking to level some alts and maybe transfer some characters over.

My issue is I want to play both Horde and Alliance as I think this is the perfect server for both, but obviously I can’t do this so I need some help deciding.

On one hand, I want to transfer my Alliance main from Ashrbringer to here, as I nearly did at launch, and enjoying levelling some alts and make it my main Ally server. However, I’ve also heard a lot of good things about horde side, so I know it would be a great play to experience some horde characters as i’m looking to roll some and really want to play some horde characters.

Any suggestions would be welcome, thanks for your time!

I’d say you go for Ally. I just did - started over first time after five years break. It is splendid experience indeed.

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