Which flying mount is strong enough to carry me?

Bonus if it’s something that suits a shaman. I’m really struggling to find something. Thank you!

An elemental ?

Where can I get such a mount?

You need to do the class mount quest chain from your order hall Campaign in legion.

Lore-wise, I believe that Tauren and wyverns had an ancient relationship - which is required to ride a wyvern because they’re sentient. Now, does that connection include riding as a mount, or just a symbiotic relationship? I don’t know.

Chimaera could carry a Tauren, and because they’re native to Kalimdor, a Tauren shaman could reasonably explain their personal connection. There are two rylak mounts, but I believe there’s now an actual chimaera mount as a world drop in Darkshore too. Double check in case I’m wrong.


To be honest, most of them could. It’s not the same as land mounts, I mean a Tauren would look odd on a Hawkstrider for example, but if you think of the other aerial mounts…

Wyvern’s are a good choice, just as an aside, have you seen how many of the Flightmasters are Tauren? There might actually be more Tauren ones than Orc ones, so there is clearly some compatibility there.

Dragonhawks would be an odd call, but possible, I mean they are essentially an Anaconda with wings and flame breath.

Hippogryphs make sense, the Tauren would likely have been exposed to them through their experiences with the Kaldorei and in the Cenarion Circle

Protodrakes are an obvious option, but we only really know of the Dragonmaw using them, and I am not sure if the methods to Dragonmaw use to control Protodrakes would be fitting to a Tauren, with their respect for living creatures, especially perhaps a Shaman.

Drakes? Well, they could certainly carry a Tauren, but then they are most definitely sentient and sapient, a character in their own right. A person would have to be -very- special to have earned the trust of one.

The Elemental mount from the Shaman quests has been touched upon, so I won’t belabour that point, however there is an interesting one no one has considered, that is not a living creature…

Pandaren Flying Kites. ‘How on Earth would that work?’ Well, Pandaren are pretty hefty themselves, but a -Shaman- would surely be able to call upon the power of the elements of air and wind to buoy their Kite up.

I mean Cloud Serpents I suppose, though it would be a rare non-Pandaren who would earn that trust, as far as we know, only the ‘Hero’ of Azeroth has done so.

Just a few ideas.


I appreciate those respones, thanks so much, a wyvern or the elemental, or even a hippogryph sounds awesome

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It might be unavailable now, but the Orgrimmar Interceptor seems a … potential choice, if you have it and you don’t hate it…

Lore-wise, I feel like it requires some explanation, as it is a vehicle that not just any Horde member would realistically have acccess to.

My default is, “I’m on an important mission for the Horde, this magnificent ship is lent to me as long as my service is adequately useful to the Horde.”

Pre-WOD Cloud Serpent were not flyable unless you learnt and grew your own cloud serpent mount. It was perfect for role players. They changed it in legion I think. There’s even the short about the Dragonmaw warrior learns to ride one. Touching story.

I am strong enough to carry you.


Did they? I did not know that, mind you, I did the Cloud Serpent rearing thing during MoP, I didn’t realise they had changed it since,

Proto-drakes are large enough that it doesn’t look strange when Tauren is mounted on them, same with the ravens.

Giant Eagle would be the best, considering the whole native american theme
Alas, we still don’t have them…
An Antoran Hound is 100% sure could carry a Tauren - but I guess no sane Tauren would ride a Demon
A Rylak maybe?
Wonderwing 2.0 is while a consturct it could be an… err… Eagle-like… cyber-eagle. My poor eagle crashed during a Legion Invasion, but the Goblins had the techonology to… rebuild him

Or any flying carpet
They are magical and comfortable!

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Worry not bigbullman, Martok strong enough to carry you if you fall! Martok nice that way.

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Maybe you cannot do it atm but you might wanna try to get the water elemental mount from Jaina, unique look and badass.

I just got the felsteel golem from Hellfire and it fits my DH very well. I struggled to find something fitting too, so I know the feeling !

If you have alchemy and archaeology you can work on making your own vial of the sands and shapeshift into a Sandstone Drake. You could ofc also buy it on the AH but that probably won’t fit the roleplaying part… It’s a mount I like to use on my tauren.
I have the elemental class mount from Legion but I think it looks awkward and where in Azeroth (or beyond) do you even find flying elementals?
I also have the cenarion circle hippogryph and the one from Val’sharah or Azsuna (I forget but one of the emissaries) but I think they’re a bit too small for a tauren to be honest.
The flying mount you get from Draenor pathfinder is pretty big and could carry a tauren probably but it’s a bit sluggish, takes up a lot of your screen and when ground-bound its wings drag next to/behind it instead of being tucked away nicely like with other drakes but otherwise it looks pretty neat.

Tbh most flying mounts in wow don’t make sense if we look at it in a realistic way

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