Which is the better spec when doing Torgast solo?

I have been doing Torgast as shadow so far, but I was wondering if there were people who felt they have had a better time as one of the other two specs, particularly Disc which is more aggressive than other healing specs

I did my layer 8 solo run as holy, ended up one shotting every floor boss passed floor 9, and killed the final boss in about 20 seconds, with one holy fire doing 6 million damage.

For me, disc was easier with lower gear. Now it doesn’t matter at all, I’m playing shadow/disc as well.

I just did layer 7 as disc.
It seems like the difficulty level really drops with this spec.

What did Inukio did to make holy fire to do 6 million damage?

You take these powers.

Scales of Trauma: 100% of healing done by Flash Heal and Heal empowers your next Holy Fire. Stored damage cannot exceed 200% of your maximum health.

All powers that increase your stamina.

Cruelty Sensor: You deal 35% more damage to creatures that are feared, horrified, stunned, or dazed.

Horrific Dictionary: Each different “Word” spell that you cast increases your Intellect by 5% for 5 min

When I say 6 million, I’m not even being hyperbolic, and I wouldn’t even have said I got that lucky with my powers.

It’s also super important to stack stamina increasing powers, as this is what allows scales of trauma to hit so hard. If you can get 500k hp, you are looking at 1m damage alone before anything else even comes into play.

Honestly Holy is one of those specs where the first 3-6 floors is incredibly slow, but once you get the powers going you become disgustingly over powered.

Also if you are kyrian, take the power that makes boon of ascended to deal 100% more damage, this power absolutely shreds.

All the powers I mentioned above stack, and you should absolutely stack them as many times as possible.

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Divine Image really helps with DPS if you are holy.

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This, especially on the lower levels where your anima powers aren’t that high.
Use Apotheosis as a damage ability to gets those DI procs through chastise and you’ll find you have a much easier time.

Any of the Healers depending on your comfort. I preferred Discipline for the flat % damage reduction. Shadow just scales the worst as it is a Damage specialization.

Yeah when I reached floor 12 on layer 1 TC, the boss had a ridiculous HP pool and damage

I havent tried as healing specs yet, but shadow works fine too. The important thing is just that you stack all the HP+shield traits. Eventually you’ll be immortal and kill ppl with reflective shield.

I actually did that with Disc on layer 7.

With HP, Reflective shield, Shield scaling with HP and a shadowbeast anima power that does 1k damage per hit it was a setup that was telling the enemy “stop hitting yourselves”

So doing torghast today for the first time after patch… you can literally just go with the psychic scream build and kill things without even fighting them, just stack stamina powers and psychic scream powers and watch things die as they run around helplessly

That build failed me on the 12 floor boss though. He had enough HP to kill me between the cooldowns and I did not had enough CD reduction on fade for the phatnasm power

If you take Wailing visage x5 you will almost have 100% uptime on it if paired with the talent Psychic voice

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What layer are you doing btw?

If you’d like to run it with someone, I would be more than happy to tag along, we can have general discussions about priests along the way if you’d like too.

Let me know and we can organise a time for it :slight_smile:

I just happily cleared layer 8 on both the weekly wings as disc.
Mostly by stacking that thing that makes them take damage during the scream.

It might be interesting to try a TC layer as a duo.
My tag is ptfogamer#2146

What a positive topic. Friendships made while helping others. Am I back in the golden age of wow?

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It is the general and PvP forums that were always the cesspit even in the golden age. Usually the class forums are about peers trying to help each other out.

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