Which mounts still "woaw!" you?

Early in the game’s history, I remember being amazed at players who owned the Ashes of Al’ar, or good ol’ Invincible.
Nowadays however…Everybody has dozens of 1% drop chance mounts. It’s not special anymore.

Which leaves me asking: which mounts still do amaze you?

For me, it’s the PvP S12 Gladiator mount: the malevolent gladiator’s cloud serpent.
All gladiator mounts are unique, but this one had a really striking design, and it looked gorgeous. It’s truly one of a kind.

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The chicken:

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The wagon:

The black scales on drakes because it takes an eternity to farm those keys and some people already maxed out the reputation.

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About any mount I do not have, whether it is rare or not. It is quite funny to think about it, really. Always get this moment of awe and then I still don’t go get it.

TBH none of them really…

But I can still remember leaving Teldressil for the first time back in Vanilla and seeing a hunter with a night saber mount and cat pet and thinking it was the coolest thing ever!:blush:


The tyrael mount. So unique. Trullt an eye catcher like “i was there”

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I genuinely dont care at all about other peoples mounts.
The only thing i care about mountwise is what one im on.

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This thing I just got today:

It spins while flying! So cool!



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Maxed out Reps, Got both Mounts from Obsidian area. Flexed the Black scales for a little… but now I’ve unlocked the Bronze ones, so my Highland Drake is Yellow at the moment :smiley:

One mount that I always liked was the Feldrake. Too bad I’ll never get it, since I won’t pay 6000000€ on ebay.

Yes I connected my account to twitch. Yes I watched streams. Yes I got the drop on twitch. Yes I claimed it. No it never appeared in-game.

Much the same for me.

First time I ever saw someone on an epic mount was at the Crossroads sometime around 2005. Was a real milestone back then.

17 years later everything is special, so nothing is.

I love this one on my SPriest


Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent. Badass mount but I do not and will never have the patience to farm it. Anything that involves pseudo time gate and other players is a big no-no. It’s the one thing that seperates it from all of the other 1% drop mounts from raids and dungeons. At least you can run those on alts on your own and zone tf out. Sha farm is too tedious for me. If you want HOCS you pretty much have to play that farm as it’s own game. Hats off to anybody who has it.

Azure and Blue drake

Ashes of Alar

Raven Lord (A black-blue bird from TBC)

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