I would date this one.
i wod date my hunter or warlock has pets to play with oh lolz xD
I would obviously date this one
None of them.
I like playing flawed characters and most of them have so much emotional baggage I’d not even want to be friends with them, going out is just even more of a no-no.
I guess it’d be fun to hang out with Lyth here, like run into him at a party every few months, but that’s about it.
Honestly same. McMunn would be fun to hang out with, but never in a thousand years would I be able to date the guy.
… wow I just realized that I wouln’t date any of my characters either. Well, firstly I prefer guys and all my characters are females, but regardless of that, they tend to be either smug or criminals, why do I never make a nice character? #realitycheck
Well, all my characters are males, so I guess none.
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