I want to play warrior for a while and trying to pick a race, which racial feels better in m+ / raids . i feel like i should be getting a defensive racial or something like utility with shadowmeld because warriors don’t have great defensive cds , am i wrong ? which race do you guys suggest ?
yes i am making a thread about m+ that’s how much i gave up on casual content. this was on warrior section but i want to know the general answers too so i’m moving it to here . the question is which racials are really helpful in pve content, i know lots of people play nelf but is shadowmeld that useful ?
Bloodmallet do sims so that’s purely what racial benefits your dps the most
Dwarf racial is the strongest racial for M+ generally speaking, you could check out things like raider io to see what top players choose but really it’s not going to have a significant impact on the average player, so it’s best just to choose whatever you fancy.
thanks for the advice, i know the dps difference but that’s not the issue here . i’m trying to see if dwarf’s racial is better tha shadowmeld etc. more on the utility & defensive aspect rather than dps difference since there isn’t a big difference on dps. i wen through top100 and also checked murlokio. i saw most fwarriors play nelf . i wonder if that’s what they’ve been playing for a long time or because the ability to drop aggro with shadowmeld .
Concerning dps, any racial is the same (difference is less than 1-2%).
Now for utility it is highly dependent on dungeons/season/raid. You either would need to race change for each season for maximum benefit, or try to pick your “poison”.
For warriors I would try to stay away from any movement/heal racials. They generally do not really need those.
One of the best I think would be dwarf/DI dwarf. The magic/bleed removal is pretty good on the warrior and it will help you on the more dangerous situations.
Another interesting one could be cc (tauren/high mountain), since warriors have abit less cc than other classes.
Lastly because you asked for shadowmeld, unless you want it for REALLY HIGH keys (where you need BOTH the skip AND the potion), shadowmeld rarely helps a warrior. 99% of the time, you can just afford to spend a potion cd for stealth instead of damage.
so that’s why most of the top players are nelf but the general data isn’t that one sided.
DI dwarves & HM tauren both look fine to me . i thought the healing racials would help tho but you said they don’t so i’ll pick between these 2.
yess it also helps in vortex pinnacle but since the season is over it’s better i consider something that suits better to the next dungeon pool
Well, there is also the thing that there are no good healing racials. Gift of the Nauru is a small hot that is barely noticeable and will almost never save you. Also warriors can take victory rush, which is like a healthstone with melee range and 30sec cd.
Actually because I have not played mechagnomes this has escaped me. Because the proc is not random but on 20% it does not seem bad. It is only 15%, but this 15% comes at good times.
As I’ve said it is situational. This heal is an ok catch all (that will just give you ABIT more survivability), but things like dwarf/BE will be situational (IF there are bleeds/magic/dispels, those races shine).
But most importantly, go with what you feel better for pve. If it happens that you also like their racials, even better.
I’ve seen MDI once and they were all running night elves pretty much. They run past an area they want to skip and then everyone pops Shadowmeld and mobs leash. It’s one of those things that isn’t that effective when you lack coordination with your team.