I have recently been craving to play some rogue again after last playing it in MOP.
However, I have a certain play style of rogue, and I am looking for help on which spec suits my play style.
I am the guy who wants to play rogue the way it is meant to. Come out of the shadows, assassinate my target, and disappear disappear back into the shadows. In BG’s and World PVP I love to assassinate people that are alone, and disappear without a trace.
So my question is, which rogue spec in BFA suits the play style i describe above?
Any and all help is much appreciated Thanks to all
I would say, Assassin but your playstyle is more tuned with subtlety.
‘’_https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/assassination-rogue-pvp-guide#sec-1" Assassin // copy pasted from icy veins Strengths of Assassination Rogues
Great control
Decent mobility
Strong burst damage
Weaknesses of Assassination Rogues
Weak to teams with two melee on it
Predictable burst damage
Very few defensive cooldowns
Subtlety // copy pasted from icy veins Strengths of Subtlety Rogues
Great control
Decent mobility
Strong burst
Weaknesses of Subtlety Rogues
Weak to teams with two melee on it
Needs help from teammates to stay alive
Very few defensive cooldowns.
Also, Assassin takes time to kill its target due to poison and bleeds like you have to wait 1 min to kill the target.
You don’t need skill in assassin but you need to keep checking your poison and bleed effect on target.
While, subtlety takes less time like 0.5~0.9 sec but you require skill.