While raiding, i am hoping to NOT get Gear!

There’s demonstrable, admitted by thebdev team, bad luck protection in non-m+ dungeons. You are guaranteed to get an item from the last boss if you haven’t gotten anything up to that point. That’s why in the first couple weeks of BfA, everyone had banks full of unvendorable Azerite Armor after doing M0 world tours - the last boss of every dungeon had their loot table filled with Azerite pieces.

It hasn’t been confirmed for raid bosses but it’s not much of a stretch to imagine there’s something to that effect.

You’ve killed her only once… Why do you act so entitled?

ehm that no true and never was… each time u kill a boss it has a chance to give u an item. i got items from 3 boses in a row . some raids i dont get anything and some raids i get 2 items from separte boses. wow has alwasy been like this since they adet the stupid personal loot crap. BRING BACK MASSTER LOOT


That is true. It’s still random, though. You can get items from two bosses in a row, and you can get a raid with no loot at all.

But generally you have a higher chance if you haven’t gotten a piece recently. They did this when they forced personal loot.

/10 char

Yea true but for the last 3 weeks its been like this for me kill 10 bosses get 1 drop.

Raid drop % is horrible it should have been %25-33 but instead its %10.

If you want to progress to next diffuclty with full normal gear you have to play 3 months what a horrible game design.

Garbage time gated game, just like torghast.

Easily fixable. Join a guild and progress with them. That way you are guaranteed to get the pieces you need via trading. No need to write paragraphs on the forum.

Flashbacks until afterlife? Not sure I want. :confounded:

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simpy return in the guild raid master loot and that is it

I’ve been guildless for like 5 expansions so it is not exactly considered an easy fix.

Being guildless is your choice. A guild can easily be found. On these forums alone, there’s tones of them. You have guildsofwow, wowprogress as well as the in-game browser. Plenty of places to look for one.

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I don’t choose to be guildless, the social structure of the game simply works out that way.

Nah, that’s just an excuse for you not wanting to be tied to a guild. That’s complete bs. There are many different kinds of guilds out there, you just need to do a bit of typing to find the one you like.

What typing would that be exactly?

I genuinely don’t know how to respond to that. But yeah, if you wanted to be in a guild, you would have by now. But saying things like “the social structure of the game disallows me to find a guild that suits my needs” is the reason you can’t find the guild, because it’s just not true.

Plenty of options out there, all it takes is a bit of typing.

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I didn’t say the social structure disallows me to find a guild, I said it simply works out in the way that I would not be in a guild.

Right, so you admit that you choose to not be in a guild. Great. Glad we settled that.

I did not say that either and I do not understand how you translated that as such.

absolutely incorrect
if you get a wrong piece from 1st boss for example chances that you get more from 2-5 bosses are super low

Care to provide a source for that?