Whispers after solo shuffle

At the highest level of gameplay critisism is usually good and helpful. What the case is 99% of the time is people flaming others at 1500 rating thinking their own gameplay was good.

Unless you’re near rank 1 then watch your own gameplay instead of trying to micro manage the entire lobby.

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I’m not near rank 1, I AM ranked 1. Thanks for the concern though.

Wildly inaccurate and so confident about it. Some of the nicest people I’ve ever met in this game are the 1500 rated players desperate to improve. Some of the most vile are the perma duelists/welfare Glads, typically DH players.


It is absolutely not the fact people whisper each other but the content and context of the whisper. I’ve messaged people before asking their reasoning for things in a previous round and gave general advice for the next game and never once been banned.

I’ve been on the end of some SCATHING whispers when I started out attempting to heal. Mostly from “Glad level players” (at 1.2K rating) and when I asked for advice on how to better improve it just made it 100 times worse so I just /ignored them… Honestly, nearly made me quit completely it got that bad.

Sure, some people could be a bit more thick skinned but, there needs to be a line somewhere. When it goes beyond general communication into the realm of rage, insults etc, that’s too far.


Yeah but not a farfetched one.

Sure, you can give them as much as you want for failing. But to expect to not get repercussions for it due to reports just because the heat might even be justified (or at least understandable) is just wishful thinking. The reality is just different. Blizzard does care about the safe space of the snowflakes. And that sadly more then often involved valid critizism. I had friends that got banned for gladius spam. He prolly threw a game and they just used the next best thing to spam report.

That’s too far.


I watched a warrior have a complete meltdown when he was certain that he had been queue sniped because he was losing every round and told everyone to do exactly that. Nvm the fact that he was a warrior in 3 caster lobby, it must be that he’s been queue sniped and people are throwing the games so he loses.

This is usually what that “criticism” looks like:

Man’s didn’t interrupt CC on me. Complete disregard of what happened.

Best are the people who whisper me to learn to use use guardian spirit after the round when my WA just triggered for it proccing before they died and whispers them that it has procced, but they still insist that I didn’t use it. As if I’m just standing there typing that whisper during the fighting, lol.

No I can’t in game. I can’t give them anything for failing.

I’m aware, which is why 1) I no longer type in game to randoms and 2) I said it’s an unfair system that favours trolls and griefers. Social aspect of this game has been ruined by wimps who are too fragile/have too much of an ego that they can’t handle being called out.

This is such a wild thing to say. Why is it okay to insult strangers over mistakes they’ve made? This reminds me of the people who proudly post on Twitter that they’ve been banned for toxicity–good riddance in my eyes.

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Another one:

If people took accountability for throwing games and apologised, I’m pretty sure people wouldn’t flame them as much. In the meantime, press your buttons and don’t ruin people’s games with incompetence. It’s not hard.

You are playing a rated, competitive mode of content. People have goals, people have standards, people have fun winning, not being trolled. It’s very clear that the people who don’t understand this are guilty of doing it themselves.

If you DO throw people’s games, then don’t be surprised when you get called out for it. Don’t like it? Go and play unrated with the people that play PvP in heirlooms.

I consider “throwing” something vastly different to misplaying, but you seem to correlate the two in your earlier posts. We’re all human, people can make mistakes and accidentally press a button too late, trade the wrong cooldown against an offensive or position themselves badly. That’s not “trolling”, and it certainly doesn’t warrant you flaming them.

Similarly, I could also tell you it’s not hard to keep your thoughts to yourself. I don’t imagine you view it that way, though.

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What do you think people rage more about - people that misplay or people that die without pressing their buttons? Quick.

In this meta, that is throwing.


Yeah well maybe when you get out of placement MMR games and establish a thing called ‘standards’ you might be a bit less passive.

That’s not relevant. In your earlier posts, you wrote:

Throwing is something you do on purpose – it’s you losing a game because you want to lose. A misplay doesn’t share that intent; you accidentally pressing a button too slowly because you got caught off-guard by sudden damage isn’t the same as you standing still in the starting room AFK while you wait to lose a round.

I don’t see what this character’s rating has to do with it – my main holy priest is nearly 2200. If you’re going to look at rating, at least put some effort in. Standards =/= flaming people over misplays.

Ah, when it’s your agenda, it’s not relevant. Gotcha.

Costing people games in a ranked mode of content entitles you to zero right to complain if you get called out on it - intentional or not.

Are you 75 years old?

I didn’t know 2k rating with a negative win rate is ‘nearly 2200’. If you’re going to lie about your main, at least don’t be wildly inaccurate.

It’s not relevant to the argument because you are saying that a misplay is also throwing. Whether someone gets mad quicker therefore doesn’t matter; you will consider someone pressing the wrong button to be throwing as well as a misplay.

It doesn’t. If you’re in such a rush for time, then maybe you shouldn’t be playing this game to begin with. I think if you’re getting so frustrated over someone else’s gameplay that you should probably take a well-deserved break.

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I’m saying if you cost somebody a game, whether that’s misplaying or throwing, do not be surprised to get called out for it.

I’ll play my violin from the #1 spot for European Priests just for you.

You think that if people who have hopes and goals get annoyed by people that ruin their games, they should take a break? Rofl, the rose-tinted glasses are unreal.

Yeah, doesn’t work like that. What a disgusting comment.

You are (assumingly) an adult individual, who thinks that it is completely fine and okay to insult people for costing you a game. I don’t know if this highlights the fact that you’re a very sore loser, or that you’ve the emotional maturity of an actual 12 year old.

The people who lose games are going to go down in rating, that’s kind of the whole point of the rating system? If they’re not good enough to push they won’t get higher rating. Them losing points and mmr is the punishment, not you going to their dms like an actual road-raging freak lol

You are playing a rated, randomized competitive mode of content. People have goals, people shouldn’t have standards, people have fun winning, and you do not know what the situation was behind the misplay on the other PoV.

If you’re too delusional to understand that you’re risking your points every time you queue up, due to the fact that you might get paired up with someone that is subject to circumstances at any given round, I think you need to heed Andreleth’s advice and take a breather from WoW. Clearly it isn’t good for your mental health and stability.

What’s disgusting is that you’re a 2014 4chan comment section raised dude who thinks acting like an animal is normal and okay behavior.

Btw is this Aoshima’s alt account? You sound a lot like him. :^)

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The fact you don’t even recognise the irony of this comment is absolutely hilarious. 2 personal insults, the very kind of thing that people like you are crying about being at the end of.

So are the people that didn’t misplay. Being punished for their incompetence entitles them to complain.

Of course they should, literally ties back to your MMR point - better you are, the more logical it is to expect things from your teammates?

3 personal insults. Smart person, you are.

4 personal insults. Smart person, you are.

Do you think it’s completely fine and okay to personally insult people (4 times in 1 post) for having a different mindset (and ultimately being an infinitely better player than you)?

This thread got so derailed :roll_eyes::rofl:

What was the ‘abuse’ you received?