What does the lore say about this? I would like to make a lore-friendly character with brewmaster title and I can’t choose between the races. Resto shaman is a good candidate imho because it operates with water. Imagine a brewmaster shaman who asks the water elements for the cleanest mineral water and asks the earth for a fertile soil for barley and hops.
You mean classes?
Whyever would you not pick the actual brewmaster, if so? There is a brewmaster spec (under monk) in the game, you know.
Of course I know there are brewmasters but I meant the culture. Which race? Who are the best brewers? Brewfest are going on and many races represents its own beverage but what is the hierarchy between them in quality? Who are the most famous of their beverages? I find very few lore about his (nothing).
We don’t know, each race make different types of brews with different preference.
As for Brewfest’s start:
Shortly before traveling to Kalimdor and meeting the halfbreed Rexxar the famous pandaren brewmaster Chen Stormstout, having been overwhelmingly recommended to try Thunderbrew beer, found his way to Dun Morogh and Grimbooze Thunderbrew at Thunderbrew Distillery, challenging the dwarf to a drinking contest to decide who was the better brewer. In the end, when the two were nearly passed out, Chen declared Grimbooze to be superior. However, Grimbooze liked Chen’s beer more. After a brief and lighthearted argument, the two decided to hold a contest in Dun Morogh for all dwarves to taste their drinks and decide. Coren Direbrew whined his way into getting a position in the contest as well. In the end, Chen and Grimbooze were neck-in-neck while Coren only had two votes, one from himself and one from Chen out of pity. The Dark Iron attacked them in anger, and Chen fought him off. Grimbooze’s brew was declared the victor by a single vote.
The festival continued annually, with the Gordok ogres replacing Coren and the Barleybrew dwarves replacing Chen, eventually evolving into the modern Brewfest. Coren Direbrew, never forgetting his humiliation, has led attacks on the festival every year since.
(Taken from Wowpedia who tribute the lore to Pearl of Pandaria, which is a Graphic novel from MoP)
I think generally Pandaren and Dwarves are considered high in the hierachy of brewers, with probably pandaren edging out a bit over dwarves overall, but would come down to your character’s preference.
What about the Kul Tirans? Any legacy of booze in their culture? I’m thinking rum for obvious reasons
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