Who are the hooded statue figures we see around the world?

So far, we had seen such hooded statues on the Dark Portal, and at some Legion-associated shrines, such as the Altar of Storms in the Burning Steppes, the Black Temple ,or a random secret graveyard in Duskwood. One could easily asume that these statues are a part of Legion summoning rituals…unless they are not.
We have also seen these statues in the Shadowlands, and out of all places, in Revendreth. Most of Denathrius’ statues are always “warded” by these hooded figures, and you can spot them right outside the Spire of the Unseen Guests, overlooking at the cliffs. Knowing that the common ground between Revendreth and the Legion are the cunning infiltrators, the Dreadlords, one could conclude that these statues depict the Unseen Guests.
The Unseen Ones, as we know, having infiltrated and orchestrated deception amidst all cosmic forces on behalf of Death, Denathrius and the Jailer, use every chance they can get to empower the only Master they serve.
This is why the Dark Portal has the sigil of Oribos on top of it (the snake), which could have once been the Jailer’s sigil (asuming that the Arbiter is an artificial replacement of the fallen ruler of the Shadowlands, that is, which is more than likely).

Mind blown.

It could be Mediev given he is the one who opened the portal, and appeared to the Orcs as a hooded figure.

He could have ended up in Revendreth too and blizzard left it as a Easter egg to say Mediev would’ve ended up in Revendreth. This is only a theory though.

The logical answer: Blizzard just added them for that “wow” and “spooky” factor and then recycled the statues for Revendreth. They have no meaning and it’s not based on anyone.


True, could be just an aesthetic thing, but we are in the era of retcons and expanding old lore, so I believe that they are connected. Also, about Medivh. It is unclear whether he went to Revendreth for his sins or ended up in the Twisting Nether like Illidan because of his corruption. But what is sure is that Aegwynn called his spirit back to the mortal plane because he convinced her that he learned of the Legion’s intentions to attack Azeroth (Warcraft 3). Since then, he dwells in Karazhan. I do not know whether he is considered alive or undead, but he is not in the Shadowlands, he is in Azeroth. Plus most hooded figures hold a runeblade.

It’s probably Souldefíler. She watches us and waits for an opportunity to strike! :crazy_face:


They are definitely going to explain it (even though it never needed explaining). Probably refer to the new dreadlord mystery.

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It’s Gamon.


That guy at Blizz hq that likes hooded figures: I’m gonna add hooded figures… Hooded figures are cool.


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