Who cares if raid wings open at Christmas?

So then what?
Enjoy your Christmas and start raiding a few days or weeks later.

It’s really not that big of a deal.
It’s the quintessential first world problem.



But ~50% of players think they are the top 0.01%


I definitely don’t give a flying burger about this.


I’m too old to sit in santa’s lap so I would rather raid


i agree. you don’t have to be raiding on holidays, it’s a game!

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Imagine thinking of yourself as a truly committed WoW player but having friends and family to spend holidays with lmao.
Silly casuals.


I’d like to play on christmas sometimes, but even I wouldn’t do a raid or feel the need to be able to.

Noone i suppose

From my point of view it’s actually good since this is a period where people will either be in holidays or in a pretty calm period at work, mostly the only exception being people who works in healhcare

Yeah sure there is christmas, so what? Who the hell celebrates christmas for an entire week?

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I think…

Works retail. If my employer thought they would get away with it I’d be working Christmas day as well.

Fair enough.

Yes because everyone celebrates Christmas…how about you let people do what they want? I for one will be working and it’s just a regular day for me…

My fam does not do the big family christmas and we never have. As a child we would go visit my grandparents but that stopped as a teen. We all love to be on our computers. Our tradition is walk and feed the dogs, give the dogs their presents, open our presents and then back to normal. Gamer house is best house!

But I still cba to raid.


I don’t see the issue with it, historically I’ve taken week off of raiding from December 23rd to enjoy x-mas and new year. Most guilds do as no-one wants to raid during the festive period. As the RWF will be well over by then, and most people are content getting curve / cutting edge as long as it’s by the end of the tier, I don’t see the issue.

Retail, the emergency services that aren’t hospitals, airports (lots of travel at Christmas), hospitality, factories with 24/7 production processes, farmers etc - the list goes on.

Mostly the only exception :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

People forget not everyone works in an office, and not even every office is Mon to Fri 9 to 5. I’ve even seen lawyers and accountants offering weekend appointments.

If you’re genuinely upset that you’re not able to enter a raid the week it’s released, then you have an unhealthy relationship with the game and you should probably take some time to reconsider your life choices.

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I get together with my family … and also I don’t raid, so it doesn’t bother me.
However, I do wonder what will happen if things go wrong. How many tech/developer/cs staff will be on duty over Christmas?

And self-employed sole traders … we work 365 days a year.