Who designed this awful report system and where should I report this?

There’s an alliance rogue on gehennas who has basically been ingame harassing a few players in the 45-60 bracket for 8hours straight now. This guy has literally nonstopped ganked a select few specific targets for this entire period and funnily enough has done so while tracking across 4 different zones (because the guy is either abusing a tracking addon or getting info spied, finding a specific player within 1 zone is hard enough, let alone tracking them across 4).

The guy is terrible at the game, which you can tell from his gameplay during ganks, but it doesn’t matter since it’s world of roguecraft + he’s got max engi & potions… but once it gets to hours of cross-zone following surely it becomes ingame harassment?

This is so clearly targetted harassment its hilarious, except you can’t even report the guy because afterwards he’s invis again, there’s no way to except to have him targetted and file the report except to not even try to live and just hope you don’t die before you file the report?

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It actually has to cross several weeks, must be targeting NPC questgivers and some other metrics.

What is happening here to the few players is, they are getting PVP’d on a PVP realm. You cannot report PVP issues.

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Stalking somebody specific (that doesn’t know you in any way) across multiple zones (and multiple expansions) of content for an entire day doesn’t constitute ingame harassment?

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What you have to realise is that your view on it doesn’t actually influence Blizzard policy. It’s what is considered against the rules is when they could potentially intervene.

What is happening right now, is that a player is repeatedly PVPing them, across multiple zones. That’s all. No chatting, no attempts to communicate otherwise or “demands”, no exploiting to force PVP (This happens, on a PVP realm) and its duration being too short to be considered “stalking” or even “zone denial”.

You could report them by checking over the kill log → then manual report but you would get an even shorter GM answer that they will not intervene on a PVP realm you joined voluntarily where PVP may happen anytime, anywhere and essentially not always fair.

Sure, it is a nuisance it happens to them.

This is pretty much what I have tried telling people. “World PvP” (after battlegrounds were introduced back in classic) is just different forms of ganking. Which is always unfair in nature, and always will be.

This is also why there are no natural PvP realms on regular classic servers. People don’t want it. Probably one of the few times that “you think you do, but you don’t” actually can be applied.

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At least when it comes to “large scale” world pvp. I play PvP-server because it is fun to have those 1v1s that happen sometimes and just having the opportunity to kill someone who need the same quest mobs as yourself. ALWAYS boring and unfun when groups of people go out in the world to find people to kill, never becomes good pvp and often unfun when people like the guy OP was talking about clown around

The problem is not world-pvp, it’s the abomination of gamedesign that is rogues. World pvp actually has brilliant potential (aside from warriors in particular struggling in 1v1s).

It’s all gone the moment you introduce a class that literally beats everything else (hell rogue beats alot of things 1v2, especially by virtue of opponents not being prepared)

…And that’s not even accounting for even bringing more people/higher levels not being an option because the class is perma invis.

…And even if you SOMEHOW catch the rogue with 5 players, cloak-sprint-vanish is a guaranteed autoreset into a mount-up (because you’ll easily have enough gap by the time invis breaks, even if they have a physical bleed). There’s literally just no way to deal with the class.

So you have a class you cant beat, you cant find, you cant escape, you cant group against, you cant ever punish, hell you cant even fight back against. Although that’s beside the point, a guy tracking people to spamgank them across 4 reasons for an entire day (while clearly abusing something to track them) not being considered ingame harassment is a joke.

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Let me put this in perspective:
If i tell you to shut the bleep up 6 times and all 6 times you report me i will be permanently banned.
If i take 20 of my homies and disrupt your battleground via raid syncing all day everyday or i troll your Shuffle, camp your alt.
Nothing will happen.
Cheers and thanks for playing.
Dont forget to preorder next expandion too.

Manual PVP syncing is not against the rules.

Higher bar to prove, as long as they don’t say anything it can just be poor play.

Not against the rules as I said earlier.

The final penalty is a permanent ban yes. To reach it you must consistently harass other players. Anyway, none of these are mutually exclusive of each other, or were not against the rules in the first place.

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it’s really not if you know the quests, all you need is a second account to see which zone your target is. i avoid world pvp while leveling up, but if i get attacked i have no problem spending the next 8 hours on the attacker :rofl:

The same way spraying for pests isnt until your whole neighbourhood starts doing it in April.

Its not a higher bar- it just takes employees, an actual employeed person, a GM, to open the files and see whats really going on. And Blizzkies have only AI chatbots to monitor reports from the chat logs.
Making it seem as it is in practice that minor verbal breaches are punishable and game-breaking behaviour isn t.

I know. And it shouldnt. But anything taken to an extreme should be moderated. And this is an extreme case where a GM should intervene.

By constant-> 1 or 2 accidental minor breaches per year. If you have an old account, you will have potential to be perma banned, since the intensity of the penalties doesnt diminish as it does in the forums.
Telling someone to “shut up” in context of them spaming a coppy-pasta in the RATED battleground chat while you do a crucial strategy where you wait for your rogue to communicate to you shouldnt be a bannable offense in the first place let alone, an ultimate one.

Huh, do you have a source for that?

This isn’t an extreme case. It’s one day, of one player, targeting multiple players at once in a PVP realm where a PVP solution may exist.

I do agree that a player doing this is pretty petty.

If it’s constant, it is not “accidental”.

The GM’s handling your appeal will decide whether if it needs the ultimate one or commutted to less or even overturned. You may always appeal.

No, just my suspicion.
Everytime you got an issue you’re met with a bot response.
Bigger issues are not handled at all most of the time.
The only thing thats moderated is speach.
And if you’re gotten out of context - its weeks of you spaming appeals until u get a human response.

Any extreme behaviour that ends up unintendedly but intentionally ruining another players experience for hours should be monitored and penalized if suspicion proven correct.
But as I said we no longer have proper GMs, my suspicion is that large amount of the “manpower” in blizzard is just PR and automated bots.

If by constant you mean 1- 2 times a year ( 4-6 months appart) . Then yeah.
And it can be accidental- we are human, we experience things intensely sometimes.
As long as you’re not intentionally and intently going after someone throat in a major way , you should always be given the benefit of the doubt.
And especially in minor cases you should NEVER be Permanently banned.

Why? because it just looks like they’re cashing out on you.
Why? Because you dont even need to make another account- you just gotta buy the expansion one more time in a form of WoW2 and you’re playing again -the same ducking day.

Template* response, which is a customer support industry standard. If they had to hand-write their responses all the time it would drastically increase support response timers.

It depends on how big the issue is, very big? Requires Devs to intervene and rollout policies.

This is very broad, just as broad as that guy who says anything he doesn’t like should be considered “griefing”.

The point is to change your behaviour before it reaches this. Not to continue the same behaviour on WoW2, 3, and so on.

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Oh? I disagree with for example that they don’t take a better stance on premades synced queue.

Looks around in disbelief, where is the thunder now?

I criticise Blizzard policies too, it is just that these kind of topics I have my own opinion over that you think it is 1:1 line with Blizzard.

See, even if I disagree with Blizzard you’d still attack me personally. There’s no way to discuss with an unreasonable person.

Players used to do this to receive lesser penalties under old penalty volcanoes before Blizzard changed to the current one. Kind of the “hard flame someone and then take a break/switch accounts” type dudes.

That’s the final post I’m going to make, I’m quite sure it is clear to you what is expected if you want to stay here.

Lovely and you had to falsely flag my post.
This conversation ends.
You have proven who you are many times again.
I shouldnt have even bothered engaging with you.

I think its BLATANTLY obvious when this is NOT the case.
It fits perfectly into Blizzard benefiting from low effort (hiring GMs instead of relying heavily on bots for monitoring) as budget is saved and budget is gained since players wont simply quit playing wow after 10 years of already playing it.

thats high quality world pvp

Probably he is one of your Horde’s who made an Alliance rogue for BGs and arenas, but was bad at it, so turned to ganking his main’s faction. If he got second account he can see via /who search if specific Horde character had changed the leveling zone while staying online on his Alliance rogue.

Well the thing is report system is not working we all know that.
For example i have 2 characters in gollemag horde. Both have pervy but very very pervy names.
I bet with my friends that blizzard will not do anything even if they constantly report me; and more than 10 people reported me everyday more than once or much more to win the bet , and guess what? i made 400 k thnx to blizzard. More than 90 days passed!!! Not even a one automatic namechange or warning happened. Sad i can not still get rid of that character names :slight_smile: hust a hope @ least…