Who do you miss? New years edition!

Hi there, Kump here, whom some of you also know as Naros!

A similar thread was made some years ago, about this topic and I thought it could be a good time to look back in a nostalgic sense right now.

Our friends of old, those whom are not playing, or still are but you appreciated a certain moment you had with them in RP or some stories, or a character whom is not a thing anymore.

Who are they, name them and share the good RP memories with your fellow ADers!

That said, I will notably mention Brigante and Womp, friends of ours whom are not with us anymore, yet never forgotten for the joy they were.

Now, let us begin!


Shoutout to Taochi, a most warm-hearted individual to whom I could come with any character concept and only be met with praise and motivation.

I miss seeing your endlessly creative Gryphonheart brews and the joy with which your Pandaren Monk would hand them out.

RIP :panda_face: :beers:


For me, it has to be Ballyhoo, leader of the Darkmoon Company way back in 2013. Miss that goblin, and guild tbf, every single day.


you, bro



Kalleena, Daniriel and Pixil.

Theres a name ive not seen in years… so ill second that.

Rakhmar, Sanctama, Tejo, wherevere you three are now i hope the years have been kind.

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For me , I mostly miss the draenei shaman Owaiin and hunter Kittiehawk. Shortly after I left my old guild due to inactivity, I ended up in the Lost Soul where she also played and was co-gm along with her daughter, whom I still have sporadic contact with.

We used to talk alot over the years about all manner of things, aswell as have rp together, and over the years, she was there whenever I needed either someone to vent to or just needed someone to relate to.

But eventually you stopped playing, and it has been some years now since you’ve been online, but you’ve never left my friendlist and will probably remain there even after either I hang up my wow-time myself, or the servers shutdown. I know that, despite life having always been on hardmode for you healthwise, you’re still making the best of it that you can, as you always did. And I miss our conversations, and just your presence, very dearly.

And seeing that Lost Soul tag over my head even after all these years, it gives me comfort, for I never truly felt lost in the guild thanks to you. I hope 2025 and the coming years will be friendlier to you, and you are remembered fondly.


Braillor, tauren shaman. He gave me some of my first big breaks at being a proper guild officer. Super nice guy, too.

Orras, draenei shaman. I’m not sure if he is still playing but he used to be very present on the forums. We didn’t speak often but he always came off as an optimistic, helpful and a friendly person. He also once held a really cool campaign in Dustwallow Marsh (the Rift, I think it was called?).

Warfist / Acháak, orc, then a tauren warrior. Nice guy who were one of the first people to teach me how to roleplay in WoW all the way back in 2010, in pre-Cata Orgrimmar’s Valley of Honor. Not sure if he is still playing.

There are definitely more people to mention but these were the first few I could think of.

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Fyne, Moxy, Zunaj. All of the old crew of Iron Vulture.

Brigante. Rip.

Markion from the Sha’tar Eu, The Thousand Eyes. Those who know, know. Same with Bushjack. Oh, and Torge. God damn Torge. I wonder if he still draws breath.

I also miss Dudflex. And Ashiraya. I regret never reconciling with her.


Hurrgash Mugbreaker, he was a drunk, vagrant and a bit uneasy to the eyes and ears.

But by the loa he was a great warrior and a great friend.

The Ashen miss them dearly. :face_holding_back_tears:

Also Sha’tar mentioned damn those where the old days. :face_holding_back_tears:

I think I miss the fairly substantial era between Wrath and WoD the most honestly, and everyone in there.

But I have to say some part of me miss that crazy guy who figured out before anyone else that creating a leveling guild meant infinite wealth for the guildmaster and would sometimes walk through Stormwind throwing literal piles of gold around and it was always funny to see who had the biggest self control not to break character to scoop up a handful.

Kagryn (orc), Berethen (human), Melessa (blood elf) and Gwetha (dwarf), just to name a few of the great personalities who I enjoyed spending time with throughout the years.

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My first guild leader Soeth from eleven/twelve years ago back when I first started RPing in WoW on The Sha’tar. I only knew him for a few months, but he was such a nice and supportive individual.

These two names…

Darn. I forgot. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Ofocurse Brigante, although I always got anoyed by his long and eleborated replies, I kinda miss them now :frowning:


Jeyce and the Stormwind Bureau. The SI:7 RP community never recovered from their absence.



Also, I totally agree. Those were good days.

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I miss Matowa


i tried my best, i gave it all…

maybe red side will be a more caring mistress


Shattered Hand RP lets GOOOO


I miss Sigrin/Jeanita/Eiriss/Faldan/Caronwyn/Hrungrim/Radinov/Daphne and Iervine et al.

But, at least we’re converting our RP into a book.

And Amarae, probably.

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