Who ever designed floodgate

Its a perfect canditate for a layoff. Mechanical overload is a nightmare if you want to play this dungeon with average wow pugs

R.P.G.G. spam without the mob Reloading is also just a very fun thing. :rofl:

I like this dungeon. Where is the “mechanical overload”? All seems pretty clear to me.

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Yeah never mind got some meltdowns in pugs but with guildies its totally fine. I will just never run it with others.

Will never run it again though. Super anoying dungeon design :smiley:

didnt appear that terrible, motherlode is like 50 times worse and most mechanics there are deadly

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I just take things for what they are. It takes some time to find a good path, but once found, it’s a fun place to do.

Really? I feel like Motherlode is not that bad. Floodgate and Priory are by far the 2 hardest dungeons imo. I don’t think Floodgate is mechanic overload per se but a lot of the fights seem like real healer checks (including Bubbles and the 2 big guys before last boss).

It’s not bad u just get unlucky with crappy healers in group.

guess everyone has different things they like.
i found priory to be easy and i one shotted a +10 without any struggle
motherlode was so deadly, all the trash mobs are dangerous especially the last part. dunno maybe i will do it on +12 once and then never again