Just Imagine…
a Windwalker pops his burst, becomes immune to CC, knock you up the air… with the new mastery build, Rising Sun kick takes 40% Of your health
A Warrior pops Bladestorm, becomes immune to CC, follows up with a Mortal Strike doing 40% of your health.
A Druid pops his new Tree form, becomes immune to CC…
You can’t stop the healing
you can’t stop the damage
you can’t survive the damage
It’s going to be glorious
I mean… The WW being immune, is only during Celestial Conduit (which is a channeled ability and interuptable just now) so they can’t RSK and knock you in the air while being immune to CC…
“Celestial Conduit now prevents all crowd control for its duration.”
They made this change as it’s the main ability for the Conduit of the Celestial hero talent tree and you couldn’t even get the main spell off.
Just imagine…
Thats nice, more DKs to kill, my touch of death is waiting.
This statement would make sense if arms had the old Blademaster’s torment…
its great cause monks are unkillable and and unkiteable
I only pop on Leg Sweep. Works like a charm (most of the time ).
That’s like… literally right now. They have always been immune to anything during that (except for a brief period where you could disarm and stop it).
Doesnt work until you have your DK buddy on your side auto slow and grip the hole enemy team x times and disorient silent off
Oh wait you dont need too be immune too CC if you got your DK buddy on your side 2 goes and GGs
hows that gonna happen with a spell that does less dmg than Blackout Kick?
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no need to pre cry about the most unplayable garbage spec in the game
maybe cry about pres evoker who is cc immune 100% of the time rather than the short duration cds coming in 11.1
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Well people cryed that there is alredy so much CC in game which is truth
They also buffing ALL micro CC in game which means even more CC
Some classes have very easy CCs (example whats skill level to HoJ someone? )
So this CC immunity is somewhat counteract to all this bloated CC.
I guess lets see how it pays out.
monks are allready such a dumb broken class.Passive dodge and one shots.This game is so dead. ty blizzard.You outdone yourself this time
the immune to cc for druid that u talking about, its 1min30 cd, last for 12s, ITS A 1.5 CAST, and replaces tree form, the only real cd rdruid have (being in tree is how it should be all the time btw)
I think this immunity looks powerfull on paper but in reality good player will always know to play around it and punish.
Right now Rdruid have no single cooldown which feels powerfull compared to other classes… there is no button you can press to say “ok my mates gonna be fine for next 10seconds” , all is panic healing… so this change will counteract it at some degree yet opening big play around gap.
I don’t like these hidden cc immunities like the bm hunter fear/horror immunity or the monk conduit one. You don’t know if they are playing it and end up wasting something on it and it feels bad. At least with Bladestorm there is no ambiguity.
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