Who is responsible for this whole clone fiasco?

Currently most are still on Denial. Even though it’s been 8-9 months.


Who made the decision to not clone his character while it was available?

YOU! Good job Einstein, now live with your decision and get leveling.

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Yawn… Another one.

I see most of you are still in denial, like mentioned above. While I have some regrets for not cloning my characters (I genuinely thought Era was permanently dead), I have accepted that this is where I am and I’m currently leveling. Level 55 now!

Oh, and it’s good fun. Try it, OP. You won’t get the cloning service back because there is literally nothing to clone.


Try telling that to Líínk. They are still in the first stage too. Even though I have given them proof.

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The data exists. There is always a way to recover data even if those are deleted, the same way that police can recover data to reveal malicious or illegal activities. It comes down to the company’s decision making and how they value that decision.

If the cost of implementing the existing technology to recover the data worth it and can provide profit then there is a chance that they will consider it. It is a popular demand nontheless.

I luckily managed to clone my characters back then but sadly my friends and guildies did not receive any e-mail about the dead line so now some of them are leveling a new one normaly or by buying boosts (there are hundreds of boosters in era) or waiting for a fresh seasonal server.

Well, we the og’s that stayed in era from day 1 and supported it when it was deserted, we hope that you guys manage to find a solution asap. Looking forward to have all the old friends back.


Popular? I see the same 6 people talking about it.

The data is permanently gone, accept it and move on. Blizzard have said it is gone and they only keep backups for a few months, the item restore system proves that. Data recovery only works if the data isn’t overwritten.

The only thing I see Blizzard doing wrong is not sending out any emails about it. But if you were active during this time you would have seen that it was available.

The only other thing I could they they could have done was to activate the characters in both versions but that would have those who paid for the service up in arms about it.

The Classic Era version of the character will be permanently deleted and unavailable for cloning.

imagine believing that lost data can’t be recovered in 2023.
- laughs in police investigating economical crimes :wink:

imagine judging the popularity of an wow topic from wow eu forum posts and ignoring the serious platforms. Hillarious.

Well, was a good laugh. But in a serious note i believe that we need to encourage players to return to Era instead of claiming uneducated arguments like “data is lost” in 2023.

Data was supposed to be lost for original vanilla due to blizzard gifting a the server that contained the said data to a charity. But here we are again after ignorant "wall of no"s and unknowledgeable forum doomers.

tldr: its 2023. You can recover every deleted data as long as there is demand for it and profit from it. Anything else is lack of tech knowledge.


All we established was that you don’t know how proof works

As I said, if it’s overwritten then it’s gone. If something else is over the sectors then it’s unrecoverable. You think they don’t reuse disk drives? Surely they also do a full wipe of them before reuse.

We didn’t say lost we said DELETED, on purpose.

The data wasn’t lost for Classic, it was on every disc ever sold for classic. They said they didn’t have the server side programs.

Yes, your lack of knowledge.

You mean Proof that Blizzard said the data is deleted and you just ignoring that? I gave that proof multiple times.

Both of you are just going against all the available evidence. Just show me one piece of evidence to show that Blizzard still have the data, just one piece from an official Blizzard post and I will concede your point. If you cannot then you need to concede mine.

Would it be nice if they offered it again? Yes.

Are they going to offer it again? We don’t know.

They said they were going to permanently delete the classic era characters that weren’t cloned. If they did or they didn’t nobody knows.

So, go level meanwhile and clone if they offer it again.

I would say 99.99% no.

That’s the best thing to do in my opinion.

I was not aware of this deadline.

My main interest has always been Classic Era, I did not clone my characters because I was under the impression old servers were basically dead.

Now that I know I can return to an active game I missed a “deadline” so I cant play… and hostile people saying “we should have known better”.

I hope that blizzard values players here, and returns this service to people who have supported this game for years.

I played wow since 2004… and this is something blizzard never did in the past as far as I know… allow us to recuperate our chars.


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So you waited for someone else to revive the dead servers. Best thing you could do for a dead server is to go play on it. If enough people do the same, it won’t be dead anymore.
But if everyone waits for someone else to go there first, it will remain dead.
So you left Era to die but now when others brought it back to life you want an unavailable service to be brought back. Sorry no sympathy here.



These people bet on the wrong horse, mocked folks for keeping their characters on the “dead” era servers and now blindly follow where their streamers point them.

Of course that kind of crowd will never accept their own error.



They didn’t delete your characters though. They deleted the optional clone you refused to purchase.


Imagine believing that you can overwrite and delete any data and not being able to recover them in 2023. Living in a cave confirmed.
Another day of laughs.

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Again with this? I covered this many times before. You do know data overwritten is lost forever like a full format.

I’m not sure you know how servers work.

Imagine believing you can delete a 1GB USB drive full of data, then fill it up with other 1GB data, and NOT losing the original data permanently.

We can now effectively store 2GB of data on a 1GB drive. Just because its 2023.


You are completely right mate.

I am lucky that i was watching forums closely so i was aware about the deadline and cloned my chars. But most people that where not watching this abandoned platform, did not receive any e-mails (which was a mistake because EVERYTHING is communicated by mails since 2004) so they lost the chance.

Now the company decided to not offer the service anymore even if it is easily recoverable with today’s tech but i would not worry. Probably a new seasonal realm will arrive soonish.


Imagine believing that you can be accused for illegal pornography or economical scandals and overwrite your hard drives and believe that the police can not recover that overwritten data. Your are about to get a rude awakening…

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