First time I’m playing horde and it’s worse than I imagined.
Horde players in battleground and braindead - dps not focusing healers, no cc etc.
Gee and I thought Alliance was bad.
There is probably a common denominator. What could it be?
If only the game provided a means to group together, so we could focus those healers, use cc etc…
Will never happen.
I don’t think your faction somehow defines how good you or the players around you are.
I’d put it that horde is better in pvp individually (1v1), while alliance is better cooperatively (group vs group). Could just be a confirmation bias.
Hordes are shiet -.- in teams
Indeed Noth8ng new
Its cringe /cry
Fixed it for you.
there is only WoW players. I play both sides for example. Horde have better racials for pvp so they tend to come up top in low-skill matches
I’ve never lost an 1v1 to alliance since classic 2019
People kept saying that because Orc stun resist can feel unfair, however from my experience you either use a FAP or you sit in a Frost Nova for 8 Billion years until you die anyways so I can’t really confirm that.
Personally I think all those that are crying are playing a Human, because Gnomes, Nightelves and Dwarfs are absolutely amazing in PVP.
I believe Horde by definition are better at PvP than Alliance in Classic, simply because more competitive PvP players will gravitate towards race choices with considerable PvP advantages.
That said, Classic skill floor is really low. So, it’s a shootout between your average is ability clickers vs ability clickers who had enough brain to figure out WoTF/Stomp/Hardiness are better than nothing.
Nobody said that.
people are still “not already” acclimatized with the SoD situation where paladins can do damages once in Classic’s history.
it’s not about which faction is the most skilled
why horde need to use brain? they have 25% stun resist, and anti-fear → horde is a wall
the solution is to give 25% stun resist to Dwarves
and add dwarf shaman and UD paladin
Youd be surprised how many people with their alliance/horde blanket and pillow who take the roleplaying part a little bit too serious would disagree, especially in vanilla.
How about if you want to have 25% stun resist and play shaman, you just play horde ?
i did play horde
and Horde dominated Classic by numbers (and by result → massive transfer of alliance into PvE servers, and onesided servers), i choose to reroll Alliance then
so with or without 25% stun resist
i still think add dwarf shaman and UD paladin can be a good business move
this is my first character from day one 2019, just played 2 month with