Who stole Blitz?

Just had my first game of Blitz since the reset, tried to queue again, Blitz is now gone from the options?


Probably Will be back soon. As Rated. Or maybe is just another prepatch bug.

Well, I hope they get it fixed sooner rather than later. 2 Randoms - 2 Premades since. Not worth my time, literally nothing else in the game to do. 3 days left on sub though so guess I’ll have to hope they fix it by then or I’ll have to go find something less boring to do instead.

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It’s not gone, u que from rated section 10 man solo battleground.

That needs gear lvl if you don’t you can’t queue up

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Bug or feature? :slight_smile:

I have “Blitz” quest, suddenly no blitz. I also have “Spark” quest, but no gear to buy with trophies anymore…? C’mon… :slight_smile:

When peps no lust queing up its still normal, i spammed use lust on all my 7 chars it’s like x1 doing it, my drums not working there its joke how bad peps is.

Okay sparks gear returned, but still no Blitz :frowning:

And guess what? Without Blitz, I suddenly realized I simply have nothing interesting to do. I play casual PvP only. On my main chars (warr + mage) I have all I need, and Blitzes are (were) the best, fastest and most enjoyable way to get decent gear for alts. Come on! Get Battleground Blitz back asap, please.

Edit: erm… now it’s under “rated”?? :rofl:

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