I got shot down 200+ yards from the hunter that freaking used it & died from fall dmg, that thing shouldn’t even had freaking reached me
Yet i see people complain that its range is too short, i dont get it
I got shot down 200+ yards from the hunter that freaking used it & died from fall dmg, that thing shouldn’t even had freaking reached me
Yet i see people complain that its range is too short, i dont get it
Its to short and to slow .
Should have been insta / non casting time.
I cba chasing all these PvE players having WM On only for bonuses from world quests and with flying as option these days , having this as only option to dismount them is beyond lame.
It would’ve been fun to see though
If you’re in range when the cast complete, you can go to the over side of the world and you’ll still get hit and dismounted
At minimum, if I start the cast and they were in range when I started, that should be a hit.
Im raging that most of my deaths are caused by getting sniped from himalaya mountains & die from fall dmg instead of actual pvp combat
Ah yes, my 2 iq brain did not think of that, Thankerino Deatherino
Zen flight or that floating in the air spell works when targeted by net o matic? Try that - or just LoS by behind pillar or rocks.
Gobling glider is your best friend.
A wonderful piece of example how terrible WoW community is and average WoW players behavior to the others are. Sorry for commenting. And good luck with Net-o-matics.
Would be silly if it had an instant cast, would just end up seeing the players dead on the ground because of glider cd lol
Just get a stack of goblin gliders - they are essentially life saving devices, for Warmode and netomatic (Unless you play a mage - then the slow fall spell works as well, but it won’t let you glide away from whoever targeted you in the first place , unlike the glider).
Your name rings a bell I’m sure I’ve shot you with a net o matic before
Flying ruins wpvp and shouldn’t be allowed in wpvp as far as I’m concerned.
Only way I can make netomatic work is by doing full combo into Death from above to proc system shock. Those two seconds of 90% slow
concussive shot and then netgun and 99,9% hits land
Sometimes when they try to be smart with their cds, i haveto shoot them down 2-3 times tho
Fun to moonfire em on the way down, kind of a mini game.
Yep, good tactic is to snare and then net. It’s exactly what I do but Frost Shock instead of Concussive.
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