Help me out here please wich road to go for this upcoming phase.
As i also understand we will be able to use a setbonus as shoulder enchant.
In the end as always i want in the end stand there whit Ashbringer and look as cool i can and hopfuly also be a good dps.
Never seen any one play holy shock paladin, Was that ever a thing?
I’ll play seal stacking (If coreforged is brought back) or exodin.
I don’t like the precise timing needed for seal twist, so i won’t try it.
Currently Retri exodin feels amazing to plsy.
If they ruin the spec in naxx then maybe i’ll just quit.
Been doing naxx do many other times.
Shockadin is a thing but u need t2 ret and zg set to make it work
‘’ twisting, exodin, stacking or chokadin in Nax?‘’
Atm only Exodin will probly be playable, thanks to the amazing crap tier bonus and sanctified armor. Imo reroll diffrent class, because unless they gonna make heavy changes seal twist, stacking an shockadin going to be competing tanks in parse and im not joking. Don’t believe me? check every paladin discord
So if i ceep runing as exodin the question will be next then:
1 shoulder enchant as i understand will be a choice between T1 or T2 bonus, will T2,5 be a optin to?
2 will sanctefied beat T3 and if so how many items do we nedd minimum? Santefied will only work if i use the new trinket .
3 The sanctefied will it only work in Nax or on undead ower all?
None of them. The Retri specs sim 25-30k dps with full best in slot gear, while mages sim 120k dps and average classes sim 80-100k. The next dps spec, 2h Fury Warrior sims 42-45k dps. The tanks sim around 35-38k dps.