Whoever designed The Dawnbreaker Dungeon should be fired

I find that weird. My healing rain is fine. But I am sure they will definitely fix that. You need your stomp.

This dosent happen if you consider the ship as a platform. Jumping too close to edges or things, or, landing with your mount not directly above it will cause this problem.

I know because it happened to me as well.

But I might be wrong here. Mistjo claims bugs too. So it could be a monk thing. Although I find it weird.

I have run Dawnbreaker countless times, that is my go to dungeon to fill my crest cap (a run is about 7 mins), i like the vibe, the bosses, but i still don’t like the design as it adds nothing, if all flying would have been replaced with portals A->B it would be the exact same dungeon, with less potential bugs.

Ship not being there is actually a gamebreaking problem, as if not all 5 people are on the ship the RP will not go on. However, after trial and error the issue can be solved by leaving/reentering the dungeon.
I also know how the ships work, and you should never ever prematurely dismount, you need to “hit ground”, it also slightly teleports you a different position where you actually landed.
Ground effects snapshotting sometimes to the ships position when they were used and not on the ship itself is also a funny bug (less funny when that ability has a cooldown like Death and Decay or Faeline Stomp for example).

All these pitfalls can be seen from miles away even by those who have zero design experience, but i have yet to get an answer to what is the upside for all this then. Is that only that i get to use my flying mount in this dungeon?

Its an extra mechanic you dont get in any other dungeon. Not only do you have to mount up, you have to collect orbs to avoid dying.

Or… following the big bad boss at the end. If you do it correctly and pick up orbs you actually damage it, making the final fight easier.

A teleport would not give you that experience.

You don’t need to collect orbs to not die, you must stay in the “allowed” space that has invisible boundaries. You also don’t need to follow the boss, you can fly from ship to straight to the final platform, you will have 3 seconds remaining on your “death debuff” when you land.

This is “The Oculus” all over again. Just search for dungeon group specifically and put this one in your unticked list, if you don’t like it.

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Not counting bugs, to me the Mereldar part should have been designed to be more clear: one clear landing spot, one clear path to follow.

I don’t have an issue with flying in the middle of a boss, or having to kill mobs on flying ships, all while the ships keep moving, but i still think that the game does not deal well with that kind of thing, no matter how cool it looks on paper, no matter how innovative is the concept compared to the usual dungeons.

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But you wont damage him. :slight_smile:

But either way. Its more buttons to press other than a TP. Its more fun IMO.

To be honest, you dont even need a ship, or a flying boss to make a dungeon at all. You can make it like Stonevault if you wanna…

Its just something more. And my answer to that is “why not”.

The orb does no damage whatsoever.

Light Fragment
Unlimited range

While flying during this encounter infused orbs of Light radiate. Collecting these grants 1 Vigor and extends the duration of Radiant Light.

I think it’s fun and I love that they tried to do something different from the corridor-boss-corridor-boss formula, and succeded.

Mmm… I will test that out with more detail…

I had the impression that while you were flying behind the boss you shoot out little missiles his health became lower. And to not die instantly you had to collect orbs that also gives vigor.

But il definitely have a good look at that. I might be wrong here.

I died fighting the last boss, after he jumps off the airship he flies away and we are supposed to chase him but I didnt understand where he went. The rest of the group seemed to know, I tried follow them looking at the map but I flew too far and died. How do we know were to follow him?

Keeping the ships in place or move very slow would also help with not getting sucked in the ships belly and won’t be able to get on deck ( unless you have a blink ) which also results in death. Same for when you have to clear the ships on each side.

The second boss will always be a problem for pug’s. It’s like joining the final boss in LFR, you’ll always wipe even at the end of an expansion.

Final boss should get a flying mount you need to jump on for normal difficulty and remove that mount in heroic, secondly you have to unlock the dungeon first in normal before you are able to do it in heroic so people actually know the mechanics.

Some other fixes here and there and yeah it could be enjoyable. but that’s just my opinion.

Before key is activated:

Hello! Second boss order: church, inn, mansion, TY.

My experience with this dungeon:

First time I absolutely hated it, I got lost, I died multiple times and I was pissed off because I didn’t understand anything that was happening around me. This is 100% Blizzard’s fault for literally not explaining anything, you get thrown in there and “survive however you can”.

Second time, I tried to learn, reading stuff, looking at map markers and tried to analyze what was going on. It went well and I only died once following the last boss because I couldn’t reach the shiny orb in time.

Third time onwards I did everything perfectly, and now it’s one of my favorite TWW dungeons. It’s fast, the mechanics are OK, it’s not “press W to reach destination” type of dungeon and has a degree of decision making like what ship you go first, what miniboss etc.

So instead of making whinny posts because you don’t understand the dungeon, try to learn.

Also 0 bugs encountered on my runs, people only died to their own ignorance or lack of skill.

Couldn’t agree more! This dungeon, once you take the time to learn what you actually need to do, is so much fun and more engaging than any other dungeon in this current expansion; I love it!

With this, when you set off there will be golden orbs spawning. If you fly through them it will lead you to where the boss lands!

However, I always tank so I’m unsure if for a DPS that when the boss lands this orbs de-spawn, but I would like to think they still appear to help guide the way.

You also need to collect some orbs along the way anyway to make sure you’re not consumed by darkness & die.

Dungeon is filled with 1 hit K.O.s with very little time to understand if you’re doing something wrong (such as the light running out within 12 seconds even in normal difficulty)

But the part that’s annoying the most?


Anything that involves “I missed my platform and fell to my death” will relive a painful memory of some other game that did the same in your life.

I need not explain more, I’ve had it happen to me

It has happened to you

and if it hasn’t, you will not understand the scar this has left us. You’re one of the lucky few to not get traumatized.

If I could have the option to turn the dungeon into a crab to turn off the traumatic experience, I would :stuck_out_tongue: never again.

What i encountered the last two runs was that when its time to go back down for the last fight and you ride your mount down, there were no glowing circles for me to get, to stop that countdown from killing me.

People suggested that i fly straight down to the boss next time so i will do that. I wont follow the dragon down through the golden globes and just go straight to where he lands.

Another difficulty i see is that people cannot aggree on which of the three mobs to start with so people tend to fly around in the air or land and then draw aggro that they cannot get rid of.

Once people do this a few times you just learn from experience. This dungeon is really nor that bad. Sort out the landing spots for one of the three and that will get rid of one of the major hurdles i see people have.

Nothing wrong with the dungeon other than the silly bugs that are fixable, any other issues are just player opinion and experience :confused:

Don’t feed the troll.