Whoever designed The Dawnbreaker Dungeon should be fired

Out of a cannon.
Into the sun.

Jokes aside, the best I can describe it as is “difficulty by obfuscation”.

Please remove the dungeon and never mention it again.
Everybody makes mistakes. It’s okay to admit them, go back on them, learn from the experience and move on.
You removed bad Battlegrounds before, you can do the same with dungeons that just don’t work you thought they would when you scribbled them on whiteboards.

The worst you can do is leave it in for an extended period of time.
People are already leaving the dungeon as soon as they load in…


dear patrician, the dungeon has 3 bugs and that’s it, and there are already 3 thread about that.
entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

I could not agree more. I waited until after I did all the story to get into dungeons and was flung like a crab into a boiling pot of holy cow why can’t I land on this ship oh no I’m out of vigor OMG falling to my death… why is the boss standing on top of my corpse.


The problem with the dungeon is not any bugs, but the basic design of it.
I don’t think this is fixable.


Il be quick :

L2P the dungeon.

Its ridiculous that when blizz wants to implement something new and engaging were stuck with people like you that cannot comprehend anything more complex than walking straight in a blind corridor killing anything…

Literally chill. Dawnbreaker is fine.


i dont is too but i admit im not a frequent dungeon dweller. i see in the other threads there is a divion between for and against.

You’re seriously defending this abomination?
The problem isn’t even that I die. The problem is that every run someone dies and you have to fight a boss with one or more people dead to bs just because they dared to not study the dungeon beforehand.
Yeah, that’s fun design, for sure. Especially while leveling.


And where is that blizzards problem ? Or design problem ?

Or maybe its people’s problem that their 2 neurons are incapable of reading a big red bold text in the middle of the screen that sais : GET ON YOUR MOUNT !!!

Il give you a reason :

First : People have more than 2 neurons. Its just that its a heroic dungeon and nobody cares about them. People will care more in the M+ season and will pay more attention.

Second : What in gods name are you talking about ? You can solo the bosses there… especially while leveling… Who cares if people die !

So chill.

I am defending new concepts for dungeons. Designing dungeons for the “lowest possible denominator” of players is not fun or engaging. Im sorry.

In other words : If you design dumb dungeons for dumb players… its not fun or engaging basically…


While Dawnbreaker will probably be fine down the line after many more fixes, my question would be: What extra engaging experience does it provide?

Because the pitfalls are apparent that comes with this kind of dungeon design, from the ship not being there for some people, motion sickness while fighting/flying through the trash to 1st boss, and sometimes simply just falling through the ship.

What makes it for me a fun, engaging experience then? That i have to move out from big circle after mounting? That people can bodypull trash to the second boss while flying?

I get it, that was “trying something new, something different”, but Blizzard nowadays are not in the position to be able to pull these things off, sadly.


Memorizing BS is NOT using your brain and it’s not engaging content.
The fact is: the dungeon is boring. The only thing you can die to is BS you either memorized or you’re dead.
Hence why I called it “Difficulty by obfuscation”.
If you really think this dungeon will be engaging and fun to any Mythic+ runners who will have to see this BS for the hundreth time, I cannot help you, you’re a lost cause.
If you really think this kind of BS belongs into a leveling dungeon, I cannot help you, you’re a lost cause.
Get help.


And at the same time the game is spamming you with the message “You can not mount here” :joy:

First something needs to be done about all the bugs. Then hopefully we can get around with normal flying, and maybe then it is ready for M+. Now it is an abomination unfortuatenly.


I dont understand why people hate this dungeon. Dungeon design has become so boring because of M+, i love that they are getting a little creative for once.


Weirdly it is one of my favos. Maybe because i am just bored of straight forward walk dungeons

However… i do think i will change my mind once mythic+ is out. Probably going to be really annoying and people want different paths on second boss

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Every dungeon should be a corridor with a couple of trash packs and 2 bosses on each end.

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The only thing that bothers me about this dungeon is that its very annoying to follow the tank mid air and see which decision he wants to make about the second boss. (Not every tank will make the same decision, unfortunately.)

The first and third boss are actually rather fun and entertaining.


Compare Dawnbreaker with Stonevault for example. You want… more Stonevaults ? Literally the most boring dungeon ever… They could have named it “Wailing Caverns” for all I care…

First time I hear about this problem. Ive done Dawnbreaker 20 to 30 times and I never had that issue…

OR… maybe people have my issue : That the ship actually moves. And you think its on one place, but then you realize it has moved. And you die of course.

So from then on, I always point the camera up and look for a massive ship in the sky that occupies 1/4 of my screen.

I refuse to cater to the minority of people. Im sorry.

The game has to be made for the majority of players that have zero issues with Dynamic Flying. Not for a very few that do.

The option they have is to simply not play that dungeon.

The ship is actually a square rectangular platform. If you mess around with that you will get into trouble.

Now you know. Now you will never fall off.

This is 100% a L2P issue. It was an issue in NO as well and people learned not to land in an acute angle, but more of a 90deg angle to avoid this.

And by the way, body pulling stuff in a dungeon has been a thing since Raging Chasm in Vanilla. Dosent matter if its with a flying mount or on foot.

They are in a position. And they are delivering on it with Dawnbreaker and Darkflame Cleft with new mechanics.

That is any heroic to be honest. And its not “memorizing”. Its actually learning to do the dungeon.

What do you think M+ routes are then ? Or knowing what skills to kick, when to use defensive, when to use BL ?

What is all that ? Playing the game… or “memorizing” stuff.

Like what are you suggesting ? A long corridor with training dummies or what ?

I normally agree 100% of the time with what you say. But not today.

I did Dawnbreaker 34 times already. I did not find a single “bug”.

The first times I did spontaneously die for reasons I did not know… But I figured out why and now I have zero issues…

But usually you are correct. So I will not claim that there are ZERO bugs. Im sure there are some.

But calling that “an abomination” is a long stretch. And that is where I disagree.

I haven’t counted and i am definitely not on 34 times. More around 10 times. But for now i also hit about 50% of the time i can not mount on the ship and just die.

This more sounds like a tol dagor thing, where we found out how to move and never get into weird combats, like not using consecration on stairs or typhoon near a wall. And then you do not get into trouble.

So i wonder what i am doing wrong to not being able to mount. Must have to do with some kind of ability that i did not figure out yet as being a problem.

Could be some bug with Monk skills. Or some addon messing around with your Auras.

The “I can fly now” thing is a buff some dude puts on you. Maybe the problem is there.

And for the 2nd boss that does its AoE its actually a dude on a boat that gives you that buff. Maybe it has a range and you need to get close to him.

Well to be fair, I fell into the ship’s hold a few times and couldn’t get out. And the ground effects slide every time because the ship’s moving, so faeline stomp usually ends up a good 10-20 years behind me.

From a M+ perspective the dungeon doesn’t offer much for your group to distinguish yourself so it will be difficult to balance since you just kill 5 trash packs and a few bosses.

But in principle I like the idea of experimenting with unique dungeon layouts.