Do you find this amusing or do you not favour life?
Welcome to the Halloween event, best you can do is insta broom mount and leave.
But take this damned humid, orange organic material off my head is a real problem!
Other guy: “do you smell something?”
You are the one playing a Human. I would pumpkin you any day whenever the effect of Lucille’s Sewing Needle is on cooldown.
Probably. Pvpers do hate it when someone isn’t interested in fighting them…
Yeah I keep finding my head has a pumpkin on! Best tmog option
I have a cancelaura macro that has both combat and anti-troll applications. Get one yourself
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection
/cancelaura Blessing of Spellwarding
/cancelaura Divine Shield
/cancelaura Slow Fall
/cancelaura Levitate
/cancelaura Jack-o'-Lanterned!
/cancelaura Moonkin Feather
/cancelaura Moonkin Molting
Think they favour their own achievements tbh.
You do realise there is an achievement for putting pumpkins on certain race/class combos?
As a nightelf druid I am a wandering pumpkin the entire event.
That’s genius!
Oh come on, tis the season to be a pumpkin.
Not sure, but maybe this can protect you?
Isn’t there an achievement to do this to every race and / or class?
I seem to remember doing this some years back.
Maybe there’s an addon that will turn this off automatically.
I dislike this item, guildies in raid use it so I can’t rescue them back up things when they jump down in raids
Yes. Simply yes.
Wowzer! honk honk!
Just avoid being in main cities unless you absolutely have to. Put your AH/bank alts in the Exodar/Darnassus or Silvermoon/Thunderbluff.
No you will not Karen the pumpkins.
Only bit of fun left in the game hearing the HAAHAAAAA
Pumpkins, assemble!