Whos responsible with this awfull PVP Balance?

When you advertise this game to customers there was a slogan like “choose your side and join battle” or something like that.Now i see you forget to say if you want to play PVP you should play as alliance.I dont know whos idea to create to based on 2 factions challenge game and giving obvious PVP advantage to 1 of them but its not my problem.If you broke it you have to fix it.20 horde vs 80 allies Tol Barad battles same at Wintergrasp.If you are lucky can win 1 or 2 battle per day.So lets every1 merge to allie side and start to fight own faction and no need a horde side forget game history.You owe me a fair PVP experiance as a horde player.

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Yet somehow Alliance is in absolute minority on all servers right now except for 2 mono Alliance ones perhaps, yet still in overall far behind Hordw numbers and you want to nerf last game mode that keeps faction viable?

Your fair PvP experience should be removal of enchanced Mercenary mode feature from Warlord of Draenor, that was given to your overpopulated faction as early as TBC in form of redicilously biased HvH mode.

I think is obvious that most of the horde population play pve as it’s the best faction for it. And most wow players play pve over pvp so bigger horde population overall means nothing to pvp balance.

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Of course, you have trolls and the orcs in PvE. However if you look at population numbers most of the Horde are Blood Elves. Humans are dominant of their PvP racial that has sometimes use in PvE as well. I remember BE racial nerf in late Legion, Human racial in Draenor, but what about orcish and trollish ones? They surely dominated PvE scene in MoP, but after then I stopped caring.

First of all we cant talk about domination PVE side of game.Dominations happens on PVP side always and also its not comparable this other racials they simply giving 1 extra dps slot to a faction.Lets desing a class then can wear four rings instead of 2 and call it racial fashionable then see what happens.No need to defend such a silly desing.

Cross faction arena. And rbgs. And bgs. Its about time.

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Doesn’t matter which faction you are. GIT GUT and you can dominate in pvp.

True, Orcs and Trolls got extra trinket in PvE.

They need to sort out match making, so many random bgs where 1 team has 3 healers, other time has 0.

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