Why 5 sec cast?

Come on man, I wasn’t gonna do that :panda_face: :cry:

But yeah, I see no reason for this at all. It should not only be instant, it should be off the GCD, so people can write macros like

/skyriding on
/use Vial of the Sands

or indeed
/skyriding off
/use Tangled Dreamweaver

or what have you.

I am generally not happy with the old form of flying, but even I have to admit that the 5 second cast makes no sense. I simply cannot understand what gameplay element it is in service of. It’s like someone just came up with it one day and went “this is like a talent respec” or something.


I think its because its also an aquatic mount.

They did?
How fast is it now?

And that come from people that are watching hundreds of adds. :smiley: with no problem

I cannot imagine the rage and amazing language everytime you need to use your Hearthstone …:rofl: :rofl:

How often do people envisage swapping between the two? It is clunky and poorly implemented? Sure, but I can’t think of a scenario where I’ll need to keep swapping between them to the point it becomes annoying.

I use normal flying for hovering to look around and more precise landing while doing quests in a small area.
Then I use Dragonflying to get somewhere at a distance quicker.

Now that normal flying mounts will become sky riding in TWW (including pre-patch) this 5 second spell to swap between the 2 flying modes is a pain.


All characters learn Steady Flight automatically at level 20 with the Expert Riding skill. Steady Flight starts at 220% speed (up from 150%) and increases to 420% (up from 310%) when Master Riding is learned automatically at level 30

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it’s 5 seconds, it’s not the end of the world :wink:

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depends on what it is applied to.

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How long a cast do people think is more reasonable? Or no cast at all. Just be stood on the ground and toggle?

They’ve changed their tune since WoD. Not that I care too much about speed.
I’d be happy enough with a hot-air balloon that moved at RP Walking speed…

Only reason I can think of is maybe gatherers wants to swap it travelling between zones. Otherwise don’t see why you’d want to swap it so often

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If it has to be a cast time, I think 1.5s is long enough

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So same as a mount cast? Seems fair it’s an extra cast rather then a ridiculously long one. I remember when demons changed to like 5s cast was ridiculous

I don’t see why it needs a cast time at all, we can freely switch now without one.

It should just be an instant toggle while on the ground and it dismounts you anyway when you press it so even if your using the same mount after toggling it, you have to re summon.

I’ve been trying it on PTR and got to say it gets rather annoying quite quickly.


This. I have now idea why Blizz is so set on making this worse and less comfortable than what we currently have.

Has the possibility to use both flight modes seamlessly caused any issues in DF? No. So why annoy players by changing it? It really is beyond me.


Typical of Blizzard.
Put an option, then find a way to make it annoying to use for… reasons?

When you design something, like a way to switch mode between 2 flight mode, you should be asking yourself what purpose it serves, and why you need to put it.

In this case it’s to allow people FREEDOM between two mode.

Then why put a restriction on it? What purpose has the restriction, and what positive effect it has? Can’t see one. It feels like a random choice. Without any thought behind it. Without knowing all type of gameplay associated with it.

Have you ever farm treasures in Zereth Mortis with dragonflying? I have, and it’s a such a pain… so… I’ll have to stay in normal flying to farm this, or spend 5sec (at least) between treasure to change flying mode, or staying in dragonflying and missing ledge / branch…etc Yeah… it’s fun compared to landing, clicking and instant mode change


Yeah it is faster but also much more inconvenient for landing on a branch for a treasure (or dirt pile lol) or on a small hump of the hill for a mining node. I think that is why normal flying is the reward. For professions and achievements.

probably related to farming bots, but one can never be sure

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That’s the thing - You can’t. If Skyrding is enabled Non-Skyriding Mounts become grounded and can’t fly at all. If the solution would be to “Just get 500 mounts and you can do the same thing you are doing now” I wouldn’t mind. But they are actively denying that option.

And no idea how a lot of people are saying “why would you need to switch” - just do a simple quest where you need to fly small distances multiple times in a row. Congrats, now you’re out of vigor and can’t even take off.

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