Why Algari Competitor's gear?

why do we need to go and craft it?

how is this making the pvp experience better :frowning:

can we just buy in conquest best in slot? seems a bit over engineered without a real reason?

what do you guys think? is there something am missing?

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Noone stops you from just getting conquest gear and call it a day.

However there are slots where there are no conquest pieces with your bis stat available (feet for cloth for example) amd you can only put embellishments on crafted gear.

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But conquest is capped. If you misplaced Forged Heraldrys, or if you wanna avoid warmode, you’re kinda screwed aren’t you?

(people who do warmode will have faster access to 639 gear).

Why bother? Why not just remove the conquest cap?

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dats is also a good point good sir

Cap gets removed next reset or the reset after that if I’m not mistaken.

Crafted gear is just better for some slots. Besides, like someone already said here; You can put embelishments only in crafted pieces.

You don’t NEED to do it imo. I geared a hunter from scratch in 1 week just doing world PvP content, then hit 1.8k for the mog the following week.

I would prefer an option to just buy the gear without thinking. I hate spending gold on buying materials for crafting things. But I don’t think it’ll go anywhere anytime soon.

Why do embellishments only on crafted pieces make PvP better? And why interact with extra vendors instead of just getting gear from the PvP vendor if everyone’s aiming for the same best items?

how are these things making pvp arena more fun?

Youre still viable with only conquest gear. I honestly dont see the problem.

If you dont wanna craft items, just buy the conquest pieces. You ll be just fine.

there is no problem, i am asking “Why”

It’s easy enough to craft, but it feels unnecessary—like if Apple decided you had to press the side button three times to unlock your iPhone instead of once. Why add extra steps for PvP gear when just getting it from the vendor would do the job?

besides , i know too many top wowers who got their gear wrong this season

People want free control over their stats. Being locked to 1 stat ( conquest ) is boring. If I want a mastery/haste ring for pvp, I can craft it. Im not forced to pick versatility.

From what I see, there’s one BiS for each spec, so everyone’s aiming for the same gear, making it more about skill than gear or stats.

Wouldn’t it be simpler if embellishments worked like enchants—just put them on any item you like?

anyway, no biggy , just feels like extra button clicks for some classes without a real reason to me

Because it allows you adjust stats as we wish. It’s fantastic.

so you are telling me that you are developing your custom stats strategy?
thats next level! cool!

guess i will have to have the same class around 5 times to have enough conquest to experiment

from what i see people even call some items in slots “wrong” as there is a clear BIS for each spec

and again, you could also just buy the gear with the ver + stat u fancy in the conquest guy, without the i guess “rp” around the crafting things

No. People are just as narrowminded as you and test their different stat builds.

For example if I play with Warlock I play less Versa because I’m rarely a target.

If I play with Warrior or WW I play more because I have to survive longer.

I know it’s hard to comprehend for Demon Hunter player but that’s how it is.

u know i can see ur gear? u have other ways to balance this out if u wont stack vers everywhere u could then switch between 2 items form pvp vendor … its called math :melting_face:

anyway u probably endup watching cdew and doing what he says :PP

legion was da best, pure skills

p.s and u are still limited with conquest cap, so u can’t really also completely be free to do as u are saying…

There are 3 different fingers from vendor and I took the one with desired stats and crafted 2nd one with Haste. Happens I need Versa and Haste the most so I crafted 2nd ring. I also crafted Weapon because there is no Haste weapon.

On Priest though I crafted more items to lower Versa and get more Haste. If crafted items were not available on R Druid for example then R Druid would be unplayable because it needs more Mastery same as R Shaman.

Why would I watch Cdew if I don’t play R Shaman. I don’t watch him at all.

I strongly disagree here as in Legion they prunned a lot of utility as Tremor, Grounding so that “skill” was not there

It’s going to change in 2-3 weeks if I’m right when they remove cap.

everyone is doing it on priest, everyone is doing exactly the same thing… even skill cap guide recommend this … thats my point

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