Why all the hate towards Gnomes?

Gnomes are cool, it’s just that the forum is filled with boomers that keep repeating Gnome punting jokes thinking they’re funny and cool when they’re just annoying.


I mean, you do realise tauten smell worse right?
A gnome would need a small perfume to smell good.
A tauten would need… A tub’s worth of the stuff.

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Pffft. I like the gnomes. I’ve got a DK one somewhere. If I could have a gnomy-druid she’d be the cutest little bear tank ever!
I’d rather see a gnome than all the Legoless/Légølãs hunter clones out there!

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I like gnomes. I think my first wow character ever was a gnome mage.

Male dwarves though… drool


How very dare you, Sir and/or Madam!


I dare, and have the truth on my side.
(And mained a hunter for years) and my problem isn’t the class, so don’t get your panties all bunched up. Chill out and see it as it is. A statement that I would rather see a small thing with pink or green hair, and that chirpilly optimistic voice, than someone so desperate to name their character after someone from another video-game they’d b@stardise it with misspellings and umlauts and make it so almost Impossible to get in-game mail. :crazy_face:


alweys remeber gnomes can be big as a tauren all it needs is a click of 1 bottom :stuck_out_tongue:

when it comes to mechagnomes they can make copyes of them selfs so u end up in a situation as 3 VS 1.

so dont mess with gnomes :stuck_out_tongue:

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