Why am I forced to GS

Hi, why am I forced to play Glacial Spike because of tier set? What is the point of having talents when blizzard is forcing me to play specific talents anyway? I don’t like glacial spike. For first time I started playing mage in DF and I was really enjoying that I could play frost bolt or ice lance build without using glacial spike. Mage is already complex and playing with GS it adds another complexity and removes fun for me personally. I know a lot of people like it and I respect that. But what am I forced to play it (because of set bonus) when I don’t want to. Why there is no other set which will switch based on of you pick GS or no? Or why there aren’t some more general set bonuses, which affect baseline playstyle and abilities? To be honest, I kind of miss old simple talents from Legion. And I really wanted to play frost mage (since after long time it’s one of specs which I have fun on) but I am getting pushed away because of this bonus set… I guess I will go back to my dumb BM or idk.

How much am I putting myself into disadvantage when I opt out from GS? Sadly it will be set bonus in next season right? …

TLDR: I really want to play frost mage, but I don’t like Glacial Spike and set bonus is forcing me to play it.


If you don’t want to chase world first or compete to be the most awesome DPS in raid group – stick to what you enjoy playing.

The more I get older, the more I just go with what makes me happy rather than chasing numbers and trying to compete.
Gear is replaced with every new patch/season anyway, and if you’re not going hardcore just play what you enjoy!

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Frost has the same tier set next season though. It’ll be a huge dps loss not to play GS till the next expac at the least.

Personally I like the GS build but I wish they had made tier more accomadating. They could have made GS and icicles explode or something and made things easier.


Yup or increase GS and Icelance DMG.
It cannot be so hard to make a T-Set-Bonus which support more than 1 playstyle :frowning: