Why am i lagging so much in big BGS?

game can’t handle all the people in a small area.

Take the world lag event in nazjatar for example, where people are supposed to do pvp, but anyone in there with warmode on won’t be able to move thanks to lag. Servers are just not good enough. So it’s not your pc dude.

Server causes FPS drop?

Not the fps drop. The massive lag is thanks to servers. It can’t deal with a large number of players clustered into a single shard. Which tends to be the main thing when it comes to epic battlegrounds.

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How do you know server is at fault?

You can package soo much data from the user input to the server and vice versa, and then process it with the engine WoW has,its quite and old one,and bfa is quite a nice stylized game and a lot to process,classic doesnt have the same problem since alot of slow actions and not that much details for this engine.And soo many particles/effects to process plus with the cross realm/sharding the servers go havoc.I would also dare to say they are running on smaller number vise,for retail servers.Use to be 1realm:1 server but with sharding and cross realm i think its more like 5 realm:1 server and the sharding tech alows them that.

Blizz say it’s not the server, they lying?

I would have to know what post from Blizzard do you mean.We did have a ddos attack last night.But in general bfa problems stem from what i said in my previous post.

Here’s an explanation for lag from Blizz support, but supplied to us by a player. We can’t take it as fact unless Blizz give us the info. Are they lying? On the other hand, your statements are also not based on facts provided by Blizz.

The game is 15 years old, but retail and classic (aka legion) tech is not 15 years old. And servers are apparently not an issue according to Ion. What he says in Forbes relates to classic, but it makes sense that lack of servers are not a limiting factor in performance.

“That’s why we’re not jumping to, hey, let’s just open up dozens and dozens of servers. We have the ability to do that. This isn’t about limiting costs or available hardware or anything like that. We could do that easily if we wanted to, actually much more easily than having complicated tech like layering.”

After brief searches on Google, you see posts about things like Discord causing WoW lag. There’s probably lots of causes. Have people that experienced lag done everything recommended to fix it? Or just said, it’s the servers, and left it at that.

This is about lag’s in the game,the initial post you made was about fps drops.The engine was last time updated durring Cata,and they constantly keep updating a bit of it,but the general overhaul was back then.The server are from WoD times.But the sharding tech for the servers is completly legion=> tech.The problem is they probably dont use anymore 1server:1realm anymore but just use processing power from the servers when they need more to deal with additional loads of traffic.Also on top of that the engine has a clear limit how much it can package per data load in the mesure unite,and they overdid it(game looks pretty but the engine cant handle it for higher fps) hence why its not on you but on the servers.So you have people with 32gb ram, i9,100mb/ps net and ssd having 20fps in Legion Dalaran.

Also that Ion article from Forbes is about layering,so its out of context that you linked.

Why is that a problem?

So it’s nothing to do with wrong gfx settings for PC, old drivers, or buggy addons?

Ye, the point I was taking from it was that they say number of servers is not difficult to increase.

Because for launch they use for the whole of Eu lets say 50 servers to hold the 100 realms(not every realm even for launch is draenor or silvermoon),and after the launch/hype is gone then they use like 25 server,so the servers with sharding in mind and the old engine go into overload.

It can be,but the case we are discusing is why people with i9,ssd,32gb of ram have 20 fps in 20 man spaces in WoW.

This is my first point,with sharding they wount have that problem.it’s cost efficent to them.The layering case is a diffreint thing thoe.

Well, my pc is about 3 yrs old now and no fps issues - except 40v40 bgs in mid, and that’s my gfx settings. Engine feels good to me :slight_smile:

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