Why am I only sharded with mythic raiders with insane gear?

I really enjoy doing some world pvp here and there. The thing is, 95/100 player I encounter have insane gear 30-40 ilvl above mine. They usually sit around 250k health and ilvl of 415 and above. Everytime I look one of them up, they are typically mythic raiders with m+ clears going into the 20s.

Usually that would be fine, but almost everyone I encounter is geared that way which makes it near impossible for me to win any 1v1s (leaving the faction imbalance by side).

Does anyone else experience this as alliance? Is there a specific reason for that?

I think the reason is that alliance are massively outnumbered in world pvp, so it’s statistically more likely that you meet overgeared enemies.

Also, some people like stomping lowbies and hate being themselves stomped, so they only look for a fight if they are 100% sure they’ll have the advantage.

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