Why are 2s so awful?

Fair enough, it’s true that balance inevitably affects the difficulty to get results when playing one class/composition compared to another one, I agree.

My angle was that I think the class balance starts to matter (in the sense where some things stop being possible to consider playing at all) only in the context of the top players.

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I think in 2s it is pretty terrible, while in 3s the amount of mistakes and communications makes it more balanced.

In 2s you only face a handful of specs which have a leg and arm up to others

no one press buttons even on 2.1k nowdays, whare are u talking about for real
i mean, all of my 1.6k friends got duelists this season w/o problems

and yes, you can play any comp you want not, like afli/elem or frost mage/feral in 2s on 2.3+ mmr

They are awful, because people responsible for Class design, gear design and number tuning are incompetent.

pretty sure there aren’t any people but well in the end it will result in the same, i guess? xD

absolutely agree.
3s is a clown fiesta. Finding 1 person to play with nowadays is already hard enough :frowning:

2s is just all about playing the most op comp and doing pve dmg, just don’t do that.

Most of people getting their achievements there have no clue about the game when they look for 3s, that’s why nobody takes 2s seriously.

I think it’s played more over 3s cause it’s easier to find 1 guy than 2 and way easier not cause it’s more fun than 3s.

All in this game depends on enjoy you this or not. Achievements means nothing - u can take VISA and buy everything - every season take glad/R1 and HOTH with 0 efforts. Skill or not skill nobody cares. Just play on that level where u feel themself comfortable.

It’s insane they don’t have dev and tester for every spec. They have mobile marketing people who think about timegates 24/7 and zero people who actually plays game or Classes.

This mismanagement knows no bounds. Same thing happened with Cyberpunk. They hired clueless mobileclowns, who had never played the tabletop game or any other RPG and they don’t even know that it is.


its not but in 3s you have way more outplay potential obviously. 2s is way more rock, paper scissors then 3s.

nah pls no

its actually way less popular, look it up at xunamate.com

its not played more idk who started this mythos

5 hours in a mode is no where near enough to give your opinion about it.

Pvp in wow is a very steep learning curve. It starts very hard and it slowly, very slowly makes you better. There’s so much you need to know.

If you need help, I’d be down to help you. I’m around 1800-2000 player atm as I’m very casual and I have a poopton of alts atm :slight_smile:

WoW has a very steep learning curve, with a lot of information, game mechanics, etc you have to take in all at once. It gets a lot better once you hit end of that curve though.

it is true, but doesn’t need to be true if you balance around it.
Rock paper scissor was always a bad excuse for not wanting to balance anything properly. You can clearly see that they just use phrases like “we want the meta to develop organically” as excuse for
a) having no clue how to balance
b) having no staff to balance
c) don’t give a crap and just want to collect $$$ with minimal effort

I would assume it comes from looking at LFG.
You barely can find anyone looking for mates for their 3s team in lfg, while you see tons of listings for 2s
At least on the lfg scene it might be true that 2s is more popular.

Also don’t discount the amount of games that the super nerds are playing on the crazy high ratings in 3s because it is their job / stream / life or whatever.
On the other hand of course also need to watch how many games in 2s or 3s are from boosting (probably not all that much to be counted I guess?)

why would you balance the game around something that is:
a) harder to balance because its less players involved
b) easier to play
c) less popular

doesnt make any sense.

there are like 80 groups in 3s lfg horde right now. What are you talking about?

so 3s having double on same days even triple the amount of games played per day is because of some streamers whose job is to play WoW Arena? lol

You are supposed to lose 50% of the time. You fight your odds. Sometimes you get to play vs your counters. Sometimes certain comps just don’t work.

There. This can’t be put simpler than that.

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